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  1. Ok I probably hallucinating ... Thank you for your help!
  2. At the beginning everything worked perfectly. Then they copy and paste the template "counterstrike source" for other configurations (war, ffa, etc..). And now it does not work!
  3. Hello, We are currently having a problem with our CSS servers. We have several mods, and we have no problem with installing them. But when we try to uninstall them, they are still runing on the server after restarting it. We get no error though, the progress bar hits 100%. We tried to look around to see where it comes from, but we didn't find anything, so we have no idea of where this could come from. Do you have any clue ? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, Support team resolved this problem. 1. cd /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games 2. nano download_css-linux.sh 3. Check if apps ID is good : +app_update 232330 4. /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart Wait 30s 5. ./download_css-linux.sh 6. Then go to Settings > Games. Click on Import. Select the option to update an existing game. Select the attached config. Select CSS for Linux and import. CSS - Linux.xml Best regards, Hugo
  5. Hi, I've try manually setup.* (support ticket suggest) But now I've an other error :
  6. Hi, Here line 8, 9 and 10 : <private_rule_name>password</private_rule_name> <hostname_rule /> <map_rule /> I've the version.
  7. Hi, When I try to setup CS:S server with Game Tools, I get this error : I took the XML configuration file here : http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8011 Master server run with Centos 6.3. Best regards.
  8. Hi, I'm on the first step for setup TCadmin master server. I should enter contact information and license key. But when I click on "next" I have this error : (-500) Client error (The request failed with HTTP status 503: ServiceUnavailable) Why ? Best regards, Hugo
  9. No idea for a script like that ? I don't konw how to begin : http://help.tcadmin.com/Scripting Is empty.
  10. Hi all ! Before install TCADMIN on my server, I want to know if someone have already do a script for configure linux firewall ? Like iptables. Or a script compatible with CSF ? I know that there are a documentation about how to make script, but if somebody would have the kindness to share it, it would be kind of him. Thanks in advance !
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