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Everything posted by Joshdch

  1. Please contact me via email josh@directclanhosting.com



  2. Ah thanks very much mate (Y) i saw the CPU issue ect but just going to test these files work really on tca. Cheers mate.
  3. Ok cheers jason for the information.
  4. Ah ok, no use for me then i only use TCAdmin to run my game servers
  5. Fair enough mate, Hopefully they can fix it eh As Far Cry the last one was ok, I have that on the panel hopefully they can sort FC 2 as some people say its a good game But thanks for the heads up matey
  6. I've seen some servers, i have the FC2 server files with me, just need the config for TCA
  7. I couldn't see the file attached in any ones post with the confg for TCadmin panel. Unless i missed a page, does anyone have it or can help out?
  8. Few of my custs got the game, they wont be installing it on there boxes, and i doubt i will be cause to many problems with the other servers on it if its taking a load of the cpu. i think the old farcry was near the same to be honest.
  9. Hello, I have the cfg and all the game files. If anyone needs any help or questions im available to contact. E-mail: Josh@DirectClanHosting.com you can also add me on msn with that address.
  10. Hi Guys Im in need of the Joint ops config file. For both if possible. If you have it would help me a lot. Thank you
  11. Hello guys i've managed to sort my cod4 server files out and tcadmin configs and all seems to be working fine. If anyone needs a hand please contact me via msn josh@directclanhosting.com .. more contact informaiton on my site also http://www.directclanhosting.com/Contact-Us.html Thanks
  12. ahh cheers lads for this. Sorry i didnt look been real busy. Thank you guys. Just cant seem to download the configs i'll have to download them from my laptop cheers anyway if you guys need anything just ask.
  13. Hi Guys Hope you are all ok. And i hope im posting in the right section. I've asked TCADMIN support if they have Garrys Mod 10 Config for tcadmin but they asked me to post here. Does anyone know where i can find the Garrys MOD 10 config for TCADMIN windows? Also im looking for a ET:QW config also. If anyone has any ideas please help me out. I will return the favour if you need it. Thank You Kind Regards Josh http://www.DirectClanHosting.com
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