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PhantomYoda started following TheHeartSmasher
What we've found in addition (and to confirm) what is listed here is that: 1. The game does need to run under an actual user account. Some of them do need Admin accounts, others will work under a normal user 2. You can enter the starting map as a command line +set spawnserver. We were only able to get Stopwatch servers to run with this. If it was only in the config the server would enter the "pre-console launch" state. Objective servers started with the map name in either the config or the command line
Have you guys had any problems running GFWL in 2003? I am only able to get Section8 games to run in 2008. In 2003 I get a GFWL login, password, or token error when I try and start a server, even though it shows the token as being registered successfully, and I am able to log into GFWL GUI, windowslive.com and xboxlive.com with the GFWL login info. Regarding the TCAdmin error... I can get it to work in 2003 if I can get GFWL to work. With 2008 it seems the game exe doesn't support running as a service, which is the reason I was getting the directX errors within the game when trying to get TCAdmin to start it. Manually running it directly without it being a service worked. I manually set up a service outside tcadmin and got the same error with direct x.
Ok, ticket submitted. Thanks
Yeah if I use the runas command in the batch file and have TCADmin start the batch file, runas.exe loads in processes under user section8app but nothing else happens. Doesn't even load the game. If I take that out and just run the game's command line (s8game-f-prot.exe and on) it will start the game but will crash out with the direct3d error I listed above.
When we register the token and email we use the -savelogin command so we don't have to put the email/password into the command line. We block access to that since it's all that's needed to run a ranked server. We run the registertoken, and savelogin commands using RDT to login under the windows user account then run the game once using the bat file before trying to get TCADmin to run it. I am thinking it has to do with something with the environment that TCAdmin is using vs the RDT environment since both options are supposed to start the server under the user section8app, except when we have TCAdmin load the bat file it doesnt work but if we sign in with RDT under section8app and manually click on the bat that TCAdmin points to it will run.
Here is the current bat file contents: I have also tried When I use the first one, section8 wont start. runas.exe shows up in the processes under user section8app but the game itself doesn't start. If I use the second one, the game will start but will crash out with the direct3d error above. I have also tried setting tcadmin monitor to run as admin and section8app. I have also tried the runas.config for the game itself setting the service to run as section8app. Anytime I try and have TCAdmin start the game using any combination of service and batch file settings, I get the direct3d error. If I manually start the game using any of the batch file combos it works. (either as runas section8app or starting it under the user section8app.) The system is a windows 2008 system. I did get it working about a month ago under TCAdmin using batch files, but recently anytime we try and use TCAdmin, we get the error. That's why we went with TCAdmin to install the game and manage config files, and serverdoc to run/restart the game and manage the command line.
Yeah I am not sure what is causing it either. I have the full command line in a batch file, install3.bat. I have TCADmin setup using the runas.config to run it as user section8app. If I use TCAdmin to start install3.bat the game crashes out with the above direct3d error. If I log into the user section8app and double click install3.bat, it starts without problem. It's something to do with TCAdmin.
We get the following error from section 8 when we try and run it from TCAdmin. I get it with our config, and also with using your config and doing the runas.config. Funny about it working in TCAdmin... Robert from TG told us you guys couldn't get it to work in TCAdmin, so you were using firedaemon. He worked with me for about 2 weeks getting it setup and configured to have it run with tcadmin (install/config files) and serverdoc (command line/start/stop), even though it doesn't actually stop using server doc. Any idea on what's causing the directx error? We get that when we start it with TCAdmin. If I manually start it outside of TCAdmin it works, Even though the command line and user is exactly the same.
We did try doing the batch file, but it didn't work, because of how they have the game setup. s8.exe and s8game-f-prot.exe do the same function, so we just use s8game-f-prot.exe. To start the game server, you set the game exe as s8game-f-prot.exe and send the parameters for the game server to start. (The game is off the Unreal3 engine). S8game-f-prot.exe starts GFWL, and then passes the command line parameters to s8game-f.exe which actually loads the game server. In task manager you will see both s8game-f-prot.exe (GFWL and Server redirect) and s8game-f.exe (Server) running. If you kill (or use TCAdmin to stop/restart) s8game-f-prot.exe it doesn't kill the child process s8game-f.exe, so the game server keeps running. TCAdmin/Windows attempt to restart the server but end up starting a second/third/forth etc server which all crash out because the first is already running and using the GFWL login which you can only have one running per windows user account. I did find out if we can setup tcadmin or windows services to issue a kill process tree command instead of a kill process, it will exit the game server when a restart/stop command is issued. If TCAdmin is already supposed to kill the parent and child process, or if I am setting up the batch file wrong, let me know. We didn't really want to use a batch file for the command line parameters because we have .bat blocked in TCAdmin, and because server settings such as slot count, game score, bots, ranking, etc are all configured through the command line, not the config files.
I know TG is working on fixing the double exe process issue, but in the meantime, anyone know of a way to get TCAdmin to monitor both processes the game loads? Or at least send automatically a taskkill for one of the processes when a restart/stop command is issued while still being able to point to the other starting application to issue the command line arguments? IE: s8game-f-prot.exe is used to start GFWL and the game server, which loads s8game-f.exe. S8game-f-prot.exe also passes the command line argument parameters through to s8game-f.exe. If s8game-f-prot.exe is killed by TCAdmin, it doesn't stop s8game-f.exe. You can't point directly through to s8game.f.exe as it doesn't start GFWL.
The main problem we were having with TCAdmin is starting/stopping the game server. Both the s8.exe and s8game-f-prot.exe files start both the game and GFWL, however the game itself is s8game.exe. So when we would use TCAdmin to start/stop the game, it wouldn't, and if it was set to check if it was running, it wouldn't see it running and would try to start additional copies. So we basically use TCAdmin to install the game, and to process config file changes. We use another application to do the command line settings and to start/stop and auto-restart. The program would work setting the service to run as the user, then we started getting directx issues when using tcadmin to start the game. Basically you could launch the game using the cmd prompt as the user TCAdmin was set to run it as, and the game would run, but using TCAdmin to launch the same command, set to run as the same user, would cause a directx related game crash. We have been in contact with TG though regarding how to make the program work with TCAdmin, so hopefully in the next patch they will make the changes.