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  1. http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_TV So he can offset load to other servers
  2. Site worked fine for me. It was down tho for a while, but appears to be working.
  3. you actually need to get the registration file, unless someone knows where to put it in the registry? That site is back up though and it's extremely easy to get a key. AFter you send an email you get a zip file, just run the registry file.
  4. I posted to the unreal forums, make sense eh? http://www.ina-community.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&th readid=488141 is the proper thread very last post is a download for the reg file, here is the actual download link also: use the .reg for windows of course and the other file is for *nix
  5. that's what I tried ... page cannot be found thanks!
  6. Did Epic stop giving out cd keys?
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