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  1. Amazing instructor and very clear with his course. I love the constant real world examples Sam Bakker provided and the very smooth transitions between points jvzoo academy review. A lot this will definitely stick with me.

  2. One thing to consider with this option is the possible implications of trying to multiuse a file for a high paced program. I have not looked at doing it for the low $/TB cost of storage reason. However, I do understand that servers do start adding up. Just be certain to fully test it first and to understand what will happen as multiple servers need data from the same file. It may offer a performance boost, it may also offer a glitch. Just venture forward very carefully with lots of research.
  3. License TCAdmin does not provide you with a TS license it is upto you to get one from teamspeak so you can create multiple servers, an unlicensed teamspeak is limited as unlicensed are not supposed to be sold. If you have a TS license then contact teamspeak because it is not being recognized by teamspeak.
  4. While I am not ready yet, I'd like to know ahead of time for planning. How will a license upgrade work after we pay? IE do we have to quite using it for V1 the instant we upgrade, or is there a grace period, or is the license upgrade more of just a discount on a new license that is good for V2 only so it doesn?t matter if the V1 stays running for slower migration of clients? Thanks
  5. retype the rcon line in the config, save the config, restart the server. Watch out for fat finger and caps lock when using rcon in game.
  6. The manual: http://clients.tcadmin.com/dl.php?type=d&id=2 The thread discussing that game and providing a config file. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=3030&highlight=San+Andreas I'd suggest review everything in TcAdmin's knowledge base very useful information, and start using the forum search. You're likely to wear out the effective helpers if you just ask for everything.
  7. If you do not have a check in the following two options Allow Text Editor if File Manager is Disabled Allow Text Editor if File Manager is Enabled Then the only thing they can edit are the things you stick into the config editor. And if value you use checkbox or dropdowns for they will be unable to even enter text for only choose from options you have set.
  8. The thread turned into a higher then 1000fps discussion command line for 1000 fps is simple. -game cstrike -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% -autoupdate +fps_max 1000 -tickrate 101 +exec server.cfg +map de_aztec or -game cstrike -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% -autoupdate +fps_max 0 -tickrate 101 +exec server.cfg +map de_aztec Both 0 and 1000 fps seem to work, I haven't seen any difference between the two. But I have seen people swear by one or the other. Key to 1000 FPS servers though is the HPET you have to have that enabled in the bios and to have it enabled you have to have the option its not always supported.
  9. Its not a case of command line, its about tinkering with actual code "3 months of reverse engineering" and why you feel someone should hand over that much hard work for free just to erode at the game hosting I'm not quite sure. Feeding the higher and higher FPS lust only drives it more and is un-needed. There's a reason valve placed caps and it wasn't for shits and grins. Its to attempt to improve the overall experience of the game. You are welcome to dive into the world of coding and start reverse engineering code, although my guess is after you do so you won't want it. If you look around most who have accomplished astounding FPS levels don't offer them through there company and that's because they aren't effective servers they are fun challenges for the coder but not practical for regular play.
  10. By default there is only one slot count passed to tcadmin "%slots%" obviously your sourcetv config has been set to use this as its the most logical variable for someone to use when setting slots. But if you wish it to have different then the base game you must set it too something else with the ask for slots checked if you are hand setting or hard coded if automated. You might also be able to automate secondary application and separate slot counts depending on your billing system but without further details its impossible to elaborate on how to do that. If you only need it for one and your the admin you can override slot count and set tv_maxclients higher.
  11. The old command line works fine, but your files must be fully upgraded. We successfully retrieved for one machine then simply distributed that copy around our network. Unfortunately now valves being swamped.
  12. Remove check in the box for disable reinstall under "Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Game" the config for the game type in question. Although for us this is checked on almost every config as is allows those experimenting to go back to working defaults without a support ticket. And place a check in allow users to reinstall there game servers at "Admin Home > System Settings > Plugins > Automation Configuration "
  13. Sure I'll provide em, lets see about 90hrs work * 20$/hr = $1800 show me the cash then we can start talking.
  14. You should learn where too find game files on your own, game files are constantly updating so my running and grabing you copies today is a waste of time becuase you will need new ones next week. (and for some possibly sooner then next week). I'd start by learning to use hldsupdatetool from valve that will provide several of the games you have listed and is probably the easiest single source of files. After that just start working down the ones that are left one by one, in general if "dedicated server files for (enter game title)" search in google doesn't result in something legit on the first page then dedicated server files are simply included on the disc and yes its illegal to transfer they are copyrighted material.
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