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Everything posted by Andrew-TGM

  1. To me it seems to be a cross between CS and HL2 I'm addicted to it played 30 or so hours then the update v1.001 came out fixing 40 or so problems....... And it killes all previous save games. I should have a server up this evening
  2. mmmmm a whole jar of gerkins MMMMMMMMMMM
  3. Don't know .. never had to be on it.
  4. From what I have read on the Ranked Providers E-mail list... They are adding new providers with each expansion pack. If you can provide 10 free public BF2 Ranked games then give it a shot.
  5. Affiliate code is special code from the Developer to trusted providers. i.e. BF2 Ranked code is affiliate code. That usually alows you to run a server easier and with less resources. You have to sign contracts and jump lots of hoops to become an affiliate. ohh and pay money to the maker to be able to use the code each month. We are EA and Novalogic affiliates and working on Activision next. Its not easy. There are only 2 NL Affiliates in the US and it took us 8 - 12 months to get it.
  6. do you know his name? Was watching BugsBunny with my son yesterday.... And it is Rudolf..
  7. Retail NovaLogic games are not TCAdmin friendly, but it can be good for the FTP side and also letting the customer change admin users. (sorta)Heck.... NovaGames arn't GSP friendly. I have a config file but I don't know if it will do you much good... If the customer makes a change and stops and restarts the game you'll have to manually start hosting the game. The retail version requires you to manualy enter login and password into novaworld. clcik on hosting, then select maps by hand and then click start. The only way around it is to run Affiliate code. (and there are only 2 affiliates in the US) It allows you to start and stop the game at will from TCAdmin.
  8. Any one know how to upload DOD:S stats to a web site? Is there an uploader or is it in the config file? Have a customer that has a stats block but can't get stas. Thanks
  9. Can't be that special.. I figured it out.. LOL Even got my install down to 10 MB.. probably could be smaller..
  10. I've already done that... LOL I thought you had some special for me.. LOL
  11. Happy Happy Joy Joy Dance......
  12. Yes, a dedicated remote VoIP server. Basicaly its just modifing the voip.con file. adding port numbers and passwords
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