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  1. cong ty luat http://tutozone.net/ thanh lap cong ty tu van luat tu van luat nhac san h khao kh?t t***259;ng s***7907;i m?u.

    Khi T? Minh r***417;i xu***7889;ng, ch?n th?n th***7847;n t***432;***7907;ng Khai Tr***7847;n gi?p ***273;en ***273;? ho?n to?n ***273;***7913;ng l?n. B?y gi***7901; th***7847;n t***432;***7907;ng ***273;***7913;ng l?n t***7921;a nh***432; ng***432;***7901;i kh***7893;ng l***7891; ch***7889;ng tr***7901;i, gi?p to?n th?n c?ng th?m ***273;en l***7897; ra s?t kh? v? t***7853;n.

    N? l***7841;nh l?ng nh?n T? Minh, n?ng tay l?n ch***7881; h***432;***7899;ng T? Minh.

    "Ng***432;***417;i?cu***7889;i c?ng m***7897;t l***7847;n?Khai Tr***7847;n!"

    L***7901;i v***7915;a truy***7873;n ra, ngay c***7843; m?y tr?n tr***7901;i b***7895;ng ch***7907;t d***7915;ng, T? Minh ng***7917;a ***273;***7847;u ph?t ra ti***7871;ng g***7847;m.

    "S***7907;i m?u!"

    Th?n th***7875; n***7893; tung, c?i b?nh ***273;? ho?n to?n v***7905;, c***361;ng n***7893; ?o c***7911;a h***7855;n, nh***432;n

  2. gamemode=0 is Deathmatch ,gamemode=1 is CTF, etc.
  3. If you want it to show up in browser, if you have it loading from an ini you may not need to do so, from what I understand. Zeb, if someone tried to join your server with /open then your server is now in LAN mode and no one can join. Restart it, and try to join after. If it is still a problem, some datacenters have a problem with connecting to this mess of a game.
  4. Are you using a valid gamespy id and login? It doesn't really matter I guess, theres a problem where if someone joins your server through console (/open ip;port) then your server becomes a LAN and no one can join. What a mess of a release.
  5. I started on a config, it makes the game fine (lol) but I dont think it likes the game much. Basically the command line looks like this; server DM-Shangrila?game=UTGame.DeathMatch?MaxPlayers=%slots% ini=DefaultGame.ini log=Dedicatedserver.log port=%serverport% multihome=%serverip% I have it set up like that so hopefully UT3 is smart enough to load the defaultgame.ini, where you can edit the actual settings of the game, instead of adjusting the game via command line for every little game tweak. I tried to put the defaultgame.ini in the actual config but it wouldnt save (not sure why) so I just made it in actual TCAdmin config editor (I just copied and pasted the defaultgame.ini) If anyone can help build this, that would be awesome. Unreal Tournament 3(3).txt
  6. It came out last week in Europe, and comes out tomorrow in America, officially. As far as a config goes... Theres no dedicated server files. If you got this to some how work with TCAdmin I would be very interested. There is talk of this "beta dedicated server files" but unless they were included in the actual copy of the game, I saw nothing of them on the official UT3 forums.
  7. +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 28960 +set sv_maxclients 64 +set sv_punkbuster "1" +exec server.cfg +map_rotate Showing up as 32 player on tcadmin and game monitor. Any idea how to bypass the 32 player limit?
  8. I knew it was going to be big, but I didnt know it was going to be this big. I had a feeling it was going to be #1 seller, but wow... I was watching American Gangster on Friday.. before the movie came out, in the middle of the new movie previews, I notice a trailer I KNOW I have seen before, low and behold, Call of Duty 4 trailer pops up - Before the top selling movie in America! If that wasn't surprising enough to me (Ive never seen a video game advertised in a movie theater before), I was watching 106 central park (hip hop countdown on BET), and they were talking about new CD releases for tuesday. Right before they introduced the likes of Jay-Z and Nas new cds, they said "a new game came out that is insane, Call of Duty 4", I thought my keyboard was going to break from my jaw dropping and hitting it so hard.
  9. Thanks Again, it isn't complete by any means, but the rcon password/hostname/ ports, etc are all in there. Someone just needs to tie up the loose ends, and we'll be ready to go before actual release
  10. I got the ball rolling, but I am very busy today with other activity's, if someone wanted to help complete this or fix it up a little bit. I just used the original poster config and tied it in, with the help of the old Call of Duty 2 configuration. Hope this helps a little.
  11. There was a new patch today.
  12. Why these kind of company moves exist in 2007 is beyond me. This wouldn't even be acceptable in 1999 when Unreal Tournament came out. Also, for people wondering, you DONT need a unique login for each server.
  13. UT3 comes out next month, I think that will do justice to it
  14. If you want to run stopwatch (for leagues) delete the campaigns in your configuration, and add this; and of course; change the game settings to;
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