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Nemesis's Achievements

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Casual Member (3/8)



  1. cong ty luat http://tutozone.net/ thanh lap cong ty tu van luat tu van luat nhac san ***7887; ng?n s***7907;i, ***273;?y l? l***7921;a ch***7885;n.

    [Ng***432;***417;i mu***7889;n ***273;***432;***7907;c ***273;***7871;n th? ph***7843;i h***7885;c tr***7843; gi?. Ch***7881; c? ch?nh ng***432;***417;i m***7899;i ngh***297; ra c? ***273;?ng hay kh?ng...]

    L***7901;i n?i c***7911;a A C?ng quanh qu***7849;n trong ***273;***7847;u T? Minh, h***7855;n nh***432; nh?n th***7845;y A C?ng, nh?n th***7845;y ? S***417;n, nh?n th***7845;y h?nh ***7843;nh Man t***432;***7907;ng ? S***417;n tan v***7905;.

    Cu***7889;i c?ng, tr***432;***7899;c m***7855;t T? Minh, h***7855;n th***7845;y m?nh m***432;***7907;n l***7921;c l***432;***7907;ng H?m Kh?ng nh?n trong n***259;m th?ng h***7889; ***273;en, tr?ng th***7845;y m?nh b***7883; x?ch s***7855;t tr?i bu***7897;c. M***7897;t "ta" kh?c tr?n m***7863;t kh?ng c? v***7871;t s***7865;o, nh***432;ng khi n?i ra m***7897;t c?u th? khu?n m***7863;t xu***7845;t hi***7879;n d***7845;u v***7871;t n

  2. it is bullocks I can't even play in my own damn dedicated because Valve decided to make this a console game where it's all automatic joining. There is a server browser, but its hidden in the console. I don't have the specific command off hand - its like serverbrowsershow or something. But, even then, you can't connect to your own server before the 4 slots are filled.
  3. Can we get a Crysis Wars config please?
  4. use -dir? where should that be exactly? Should it go "C:/GameInstalls/TF" ? EDIT: I did -command update -game tf -dir C:/GameInstalls/TF and it worked perfectly. Thank you.
  5. I'm having a problem. the program excutable srcds.exe is not there when I installed TF2. Now the server wont start. >.< how do I get srcds.exe
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