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  1. cong ty luat http://tutozone.net/ thanh lap cong ty tu van luat tu van luat nhac san hi***7871;u r***7885;i v?o m***7855;t m***7895;i ng***432;***7901;i quan s?t, th***7853;m ch? l? t***7915;ng ***273;?i m***7855;t ***273;***7873;u ph***7843;n chi***7871;u ?nh lam.

    Trong nh?n gian c? m***7897;t tia ch***7899;p lam th? to b***7855;n th***7859;ng t***7899;i H?a Phong, t***7889;c ***273;***7897; nhanh ch***7881; ch***7899;p m***7855;t ***273;? gi?ng xu***7889;ng. Nh***432;ng gi?y ph?t n? ***273;***7871;n, T? Minh b***7895;ng ti***7871;n l?n m***7897;t b***432;***7899;c.

    ***272;***7841;p xu***7889;ng m***7897;t b***432;***7899;c kh?ng ph***7843;i t***7899;i c***7841;nh H?a Phong b***7883; tia ch***7899;p chi***7871;u r***7885;i m? l? ***273;***7881;nh n?i Ph***7893; Kh***432;***417;ng. Gi?y ph?t ***273;***7841;p ch?n xu***7889;ng, ti***7871;ng n***7893; vang v***7885;ng, tia ch***7899;p lam ***273;?nh l?n ng***432;***7901;i H?a Phong, ***273;em n***7917;a th?n th***7875; c?n l***7841;i bi***7871;n th?nh tro b***7909;i ch***7881; c?n c?i ***273;***7847;u v***7851;n

  2. Just started my download, 10+ GB ouch. I hope there is plenty of excess crap to delete.
  3. So when do you plan on adding it to your order list on your site? Since your the only person "with the command line" you could be making a killing. Not to count hacking the cpu issue, your missing out man.........
  4. UT3 fixing a cpu issue is a lot different then someone here hoping to crack it with no source code. Hopefully UBI will fix it.
  5. I'm doubtful that you will crack the cpu load issue. That would require going into the source code. There is no simple fix, it is what it is. I'm going to rent 1 per machine, 16 slot minimum, $139.99/mnth. Great if I make a sale, oh well if I don't. There is no such thing as a bad game to host, only bad pricing. AOWC had it for $1.49 Tuesday evening, I see they have adjusted to $5.00 per slot. If your a big company like AOWC; who likely have many idle or very low load servers, it makes sense for them to sale it at $5.00 per slot since they have ample unused resources.
  6. Looks like you may be able to toggle the ports in the gameprofile.xml located in my documents, assuming you can run 2 of these bad boys on a single machine.
  7. I think $10.00 a slot, 16 slot minimum is in order, lol.
  8. Here is what I'm getting: 8 x 2.66 Harpertown 16 Slot Server Filled - 25 to 38 % CPU usage on 66 MB RAM. And it seems to hog on 2 to 3 cpu's.
  9. I have also noticed extremely high cpu usage locked in to one cpu, with extremly low RAM usage.
  10. Same boat here, I have a few up from the "Server Launcher". I've been running through various command lines from other games hoping to get lucky on the syntax. Ubi is of no help.
  11. The same reason I did for COD 4 and a few other games; you have instant access to the game files via high speed download on the server. Run Steam on the server, get the files, delete Steam. No need to upload or mail a disc to the DC.
  12. I have it installed on 2 machines via Steam, needless to say, I can't even get a single instance up from the server launcher itself, my confidence is fading.
  13. I called Ubisoft Tech Support earlier in the off chance that I could get some startup parameters. The response was "we don't have that information, thats a developer question, try the community boards".
  14. A mixture of the original and the TF2 config works fine, so far as I can tell. Use at your own risk. Day_of_Defeat_Source_beta.txt
  15. I think incrementing the Query Port is what I overlooked. Thanks!!!
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