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Everything posted by gemcneill

  1. Peace can you please post your most current config with the changes. I thought I had your latest one but the server.cfg shows to be in main folder instead of the players folder, which is now the admin folder
  2. Here is a thought, instead of rar/zipping up the entire folder instead leave it as a folder. So instead of downloading the entire 13 gig file it would download 13 gigs of files, if I understand how tcadmin will work if there is no zip or rar file named that. It will take longer the first time around, but when new updates come out, it should be much faster. What are everyones thoughts on this?
  3. Does the tcadmin config need to be changed at all here that you provided Peace. I think the server.cfg file location in default files needs to be changed right? Also I wish tcadmin has a bit by bit or block level copying feature so I didnt have to send out a 13 gig file again to the servers
  4. So the server you have running is a modified file set from the full version that you listed in your previous post? So if we just have the files listed in that post it will work? Just want to be clear.
  5. Can anyone confirm that the stripped down install is working? I want to make sure before I start deleting files that the server will start and people can join. George
  6. When you say use steam.dll, what exactly are you saying? Do I need to copy that to the root folder? *answered my own question, once I dropped it in the root it worked fine.
  7. Are the issue everyone having coming from the dedicated server itself, or from tcadmin? Also has there been an official word on how to run dedicated servers from the command line yet? George
  8. Just wanted to start a post dealing with MW3 configs. I am pretty sure they will be very similar to COD4 configs since the engine has not changed. However some tweaks and new features might have been added. If anyone has any inside info before the game comes out so we can all have working configs once the game has released please share it. George
  9. Hey guys I know that soon the GSPs that were chosen will have access to the files. I would like to start a post about developing the config files for this game type. One thing to keep is mind is that it has to be locked down (no ftp and no file manager) to prevent files from being downloaded. George
  10. Hello again, another question. How to I setup firewall exceptions for the windows firewall. I figured during the install when it said it would interface with the firewall it would do this automatically, but it does not work. Also I tried running a batch file script with the same commands I used in tcadmin 1 to allow exceptions and remove them once the server was uninstalled, but still nothing. Can anyone help me with this? George
  11. Ah ok. Is this yet to be developed yet or is it still in testing? If it is in testing can people beta test it? George
  12. I just installed TCADMIN 2 using a demo key and I am liking what I am seeing. Just doing some testing but I did not see a support ticket system. However I did not use MYSQL, just sqllite when I installed it. Before I go reinstalling everything, is this even a feature in this version? Not sure if it was abandoned. George
  13. We shall see if the update fixes things.
  14. Hopefully they will update the server install as well so it can resolve the ip issue. George
  15. I was having the same issue until I put the server on the primary ip. I figured this would have been resolved with the latest update. I have not tried it yet, but I will see if the issue persists.
  16. I want to point out, that I did not create a config file. I just copied Goran's config file to show as an example to see if there was an issue with it. Goran should get full credit for what he did. That being said there has been a new update from steam. I just updated the file and we will see what this install can do now. Not sure what the fixes were so I guess it was the ip issue?
  17. Someone stated there was an update. I just ran the hldsupdatetool and there was no update to the files I have there now. Did an actual update come out after the initial release of the dedicated server yet? George
  18. There are 2 configs posted here. Here is the command line for the one from Goran net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %queryport% +set net_serverPortAuth %customport1% +set net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress %serverip% +set si_maxPlayers %slots% +set exec_maxThreads 2 +exec server.cfg This appears to be the same. Are you stating that this config will not work? George
  19. Phantom, I am not following on the issue you are describing. Are you saying that it will not load at all, or that some game types will not load? I have not had an issue with the server loading after adding the starting map. Also the config that Goran posted works well. I am just trying to replicate the issue you are having. What OS are you running (2008, 2008 r2, 2003r2) George
  20. Brett how are you seeing the server? Are you using the game browser or are you using something like hlsw. Also can you provide the ips of your servers that are showing up. I would like to see if I can use hlsw to see them. George
  21. I am able to star the server and it appears to completely start, but I can not see it in hlsw. What port should I be searching on? 27015? Also this is what is shows in console once it starts up. ------------- Initialized in 00:07 ------------- PURGING UNUSED STARTUP RESOURCES.. --- Common Initialization Complete --- execing 'server_objective_standard_vs.cfg' Server config changed to: Standard Applied server config: Standard It appears to be running I just cant connect to it on hlsw. George
  22. If you run the hldsupdatetool on any server you installed it should updated it and if you run it on your install files, you will just update it and then need to re-zip/re-rar the file for install. I am installing a server now with the most updated install and I will see if it works with the ip command.
  23. Well I thought that we would get the dedicated servers early but looks like a no on this. The game should be out on Tuesday as I understand it. So hopefully early Tuesday Morning you can get the dedicated server.
  24. I think it should be similar to quakewars. Quakewars was pretty large in size and had vehicles. It is a heavy modified engine though but it might be lower in scale. I am thinking about the same price as what I would charge for quakewars at this point. George
  25. I know the dedicated server is not yet, but as I understand it, there should be an "early" release of the dedicated server before hand. The game comes out on Tuesday, so I just wanted to create a new Thread to keep it in everyone's mind. I believe it uses Idtech 4 so it should be very similar to quake wars. The resource usage should be better that COD4 (it uses modified IDtech 3 engine) but cvars should be very similar. We should be able to get the server files from the hldsupdatetool with the early release so people keep an eye out. George
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