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  1. AMAZING.... I can't believe we've waited an extra month for this crap and it doesn't even function as it's needed. Does EA realize that it's the multi-player aspect that sells the majority of games out there... I don't even remember the last time purchased a game just to play the single player side. Actually I can't remember the last time I even played SP..... Maybe it was MOHAA and that was what... a decade ago? Obviously this game isn't sellable yet. What a waste of money the vast majority have spent on this game. Way-To-Go EA
  2. Have you looked at HELIX. http://www.realnetworks.com/products/media_delivery.html We do streaming services for a couple of radio networks and it works very well. If your with Software Spectrum for for your volume licenses you should be able to get some pricing on it.
  3. Jissh


    would you mind posting the config file
  4. Jissh


    when it says server not running it always gives a reason why. if you scrole up in the console it will show it. eg. could't execute server.cfg file not found.. or whatever
  5. Jissh


    if you type <u>status</u> in the console what does it say?
  6. Anyone got a Fear config for TCAdmin yet?
  7. Jissh


    I have only had one issue with servers not showing in the list and that was due to a mod. I add the extra masters to every config and I always check they show when I've setup a server.
  8. Jissh


    Just thought I'de point out that the following needs to be added to the cod2 configs. seta sv_gamespy "1" seta sv_master1 "cod2master.activision.com" seta sv_master2 "master0.gamespy.com" seta sv_master3 "master1.gamespy.com" seta sv_master4 "cod2authorize.activision.com" seta sv_master5 "cod2master.infinityward.com" seta sv_master6 ""
  9. Jissh


    CoD2 + AWE Mod + Admiral Mod Call
  10. For those of you who dont have. COD2_AdmiralMod.txt
  11. Release date 3.22.2005 graphics are well... crap! lol.Why anyone would even buy this game is beyond me. Seems to run on the UT engine.
  12. Spent 4 hours looking last night. Can't seem to find a sample config for this game anywhere.
  13. If any one has a config for this game could you please post it. Thanks Scott
  14. It still runs off the same stupid config setup. You'ld have to figure a way for it to rename the config file for each server and for the controle panel to know which one to be executing. Unless you can do that your stuck to doing each one manually. I think I said that rite Can't think straight at 5:00AM
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