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Everything posted by xpservers

  1. That will be a problem. Were using this config and if there is no query TCAMIN things the server is not responding which will cause it to restart chronically till it stops. Is there a workaroung ?
  2. I concur. After a week of testing we found the server began crashing 3 times every hour with 40fps. Keeping it at 20 rock solid.
  3. ok, so i guess leavin it at 20fps is optimum ?
  4. anyone mess around with the sv_fps settings yet ? I know default is 20fps which sounds very low. Also we dont have reporting and game server status available yet via tcadmin. Will it be updated soon ?
  5. Is Halo 2 dedicated server even fully supported for Win 2003 Ent Server R2 ? If so anyone got a clean link to dl dedicated server files ?
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