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  1. cmac


    It's out now. Does anyone know if they are going to have server filesfor this. Or do we have to buy a copy for our servers.
  2. You talking about the auto game install folder correct.
  3. What config file did you use? Was it the one posted in this thread? Bill
  4. Need a config file for a Half Life 2 team Deathmatch or how to change a deatmatch one to make it team. The thread http://www.tcadmin.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=102& start=0&rid=147 is not a team deathmatch config file even though the name says it is.
  5. Yes, I'm testing a config file. If it works then I will post it.
  6. This thread says this is a team deatmatch config file but it is not.
  7. I thought you were the one. Looks good. I just purchased a master license today. So I'll be ready for this feature.
  8. so what is that, more customization
  9. You not the one working on the modernbill intergration?
  10. BBryant, have you come up with a GTR config file yet?
  11. anybody would be better then me.
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