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  1. We tried that but no luck.
  2. Unfortunately for some of us, even that doesn't work. Server starts just fine, but is not reachable.
  3. Anyone got a good TCAdmin config for it yet? We're having trouble getting it to start with TCA.
  4. Ok, I'm back to working for XFactors and we're trying to set up Procon. In the past, when I had my own hosting for this, I allowed my users to have as many servers monitored by Procon as they wanted, but now we want to be sure they can only do one server with each Procon. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share a TCAdmin config that includes Default Config files and any install scripts that create the files needed to lock down what they can not modify.
  5. Hey Bullfrog, I hope you're still active on these forums and you have email alerts enabled! Let's assume the root pw is "password", would the install script be this? mysql -u root -ppassword < %userfilespath%b3sqlinstall.bat Are there not supposed to be spaces after the PW, like this? mysql -u root -ppassword<%userfilespath%b3sqlinstall.bat
  6. Using the win...exe file, I added the -ip_address parameter and was able to start multiple copies, albeit on the port of 27016.
  7. Did anyone ever come up with a script to create the database? Also, anyway to use WHMCS to automatically set up the b3.xml file?
  8. Give me an email address I can send it to, and I'll send it along.

  9. I'm in contact now with Luis (programmer of tadmin) and sent him an installed version of procon which connects to one of our bc2 servers. He's going to make some tests now and thinks to be able to send us some time later a revised tcadmin.exe. I will let you know once I got something. Would you mind sharing me your procon config for tcadmin, or sharing it in the tcadmin forums?

  10. Nope, no solution to it yet. Even the author of PRoCon hasn't commented on it yet. All he has to do is create an button in PRoCon to force the saving of the config to the .cfg file.

  11. Hello "GrossKopf",

    may I ask you if you found a way or got a hint how to make tcadmin stop procon in a way it's writing back setting changements to the cfg file? As we're also going to offer that service, I would be very interested too for a solution on that issue. Thanks in advance for a feedback.


    Best Regards,

    Michael Shavit

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