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  1. Okay, for all of you that hate editing the txt here is a final config that is working great for me. It is simply the edited beta version of the config. Hope it helps! --SiN-- Day_of_Defeat_Source.txt
  2. Okay, for all of you that hate editing the txt here is a final config that is working great for me. It is simply the edited beta version of the config. Hope it helps! --Eric-- Day_of_Defeat_Source.txt
  3. Hey guys, I'm having trouble getting a server to start with my original config. Just to be clear, Studeggle, should I use the beta config found in this thread, and simply replace all text that says dodsbeta with dod? I tried this and couldnt get it to work. Let me know if I misunderstood your explaination. Thanks ______ --Edit-- Nvm, I had changed the text to dods instead of dod! Thanks for your posts! --Eric--
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