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  1. The mail service issue I reported above is not related and has been resolved. Just thought I'd throw that in here. On a side note, TCAdmin will restart my crashed servers when they experience certain types crashes, but it appears it can't restart them in every case. Very bizarre. I agree, this just started with a recent update to TCA or TF2 for me.
  2. Thank you LFA, I already checked the game monitor settings, they were still set to restart the servers but it doesn't happen. The mail issue may be a different story. I'll be looking at that shortly, but the restart portion of the monitor is definitely not working.
  3. Not sure if they're related... One thing I've noticed since the last update to TCA Version 1.0.4570.9274 is that my services don't restart when they crash and I never receive messages from TCA telling me they have crashed. I sometimes go in and see a server down and have no idea it's died. TCA say's it's running too. Has anyone else seen this? I getting ready to send a support ticket but thought I'd check here first
  4. I found the problem. I;m reinstalling all the servers from scratch and forgot to move over the custom map used in the old startup line before testing it. This is what happens when you work on servers with no sleep. Thanks for the help. Mike V.
  5. Help me please! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I ran the update on all my servers and I can't get them to start. Can someone please post a working TCA config for the new CSS? I tried the one above and it doesn't work for me. Sorry, I know this should be simple, but I'm so retarded I can't figure out what I'm missing beyond the executable path changes and removing tickrate from the command line. I thought I could just run the TCA Steam updater then change the command line? No? I have now loaded fresh copy with default configs and TCA still won't start it. Thanks in advance.
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