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  1. We have also made another discovery.... Although whilst setting the ip and ports on the box's default ip (Not our usual method), we have been experiencing issues with Other HL based servers. We run a portscan on the server and fouind that when running Brink instances, as well as running the ports set in the config, it also creates and opens a number of other ports which are not bound to an ip. This is preventing other servers from being started. We have been banging our heads against a wall with this one.There quite a few, the best way to see which is to run a port scan on the boxes you have brink on, try Currports (Brilliant little tool) - http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.html Basically until the ip/port binding is sorted out, Brink will cause some serious issues for us
  2. Well we are running the latest version, and don't appear to be running into the super high CPU usage that people were reporting, however, we weren't exactly getting hammered with it to begin with.... Hence my suspicion it was the Hijack setting being on causing the issue. Perhaps Randles can shed some light, he has been great so far at getting the info to us on here *Ends creeping*
  3. We have the servers up and running, and on a dual quad core CPU 3.4ghz we have had a server up running, and at 16/16 players it is using only 4.5% CPU (Across cores). These are set with hiJacking Disabled. Not tested it yet with Hijacking enabled, will do so later today. We are having the issue though that 16 slot servers will just drop to 8 slots max after a while. Im thinking it might be a map based thing, but not confirmed yet. Anyone else experienced this? Also the issue with the server only running on the primrary IP is still there, tested this morning and it won't run if not set on the primrary ip.
  4. please respond to the topic about your claim of game-core.us copying "your" content!! or pm me ASAP.

  5. Not sure if you guys have seen this yet, but a rather nice boost, if a tad late! http://store.steampowered.com/news/3631/ Dedicated server New Features: * Dedicated server no longer needs the Steam client to be running. * Dedicated server can use DLC maps. * New console/config file commands for dedicated server for friendly fire, team balancing and species balancing options. * New console command to set a Message of the Day * When joining a dedicated server on which a round is in-progress you now have a limited time to choose your species/team and skin before entering the game, if the game mode and server settings allow this. * The dedicated server now installs to a standalone directory, and the install size is now ~2.2GB instead of 15GB * Improved feedback and output for various console commands * Improved server console output when players disconnect * Improved server console output when there are problems starting the server * Additional server console output about the Steam connection * The dedicated server will now also be available via the HLDSupdate tool. Please note that while we believe there should be no problems as both the Steam Client version and the HLDSupdate version are identical, we cannot test the HLDSupdate version without making it available to everybody. Server administrators are advised to install and use the HLDSupdate version using their discretion.
  6. yep still waiting...... Shame as the multiplayer is really good, loving the species based matches!! If they don't hurry up and get them out they MAY miss the boat..........
  7. Disappointing, but not hugely. At least they are coming! They could have been worse they could have done a MW2 on us Additionally for us in the UK, the game isn't officially out until Friday anyway.
  8. Using BF2 config in search function I found this ;) http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=4511&highlight=bf2+config
  9. I haven't seen it yet. If your worried about uploading the files, you don't have to upload the full game, only the MP folder.
  10. Spoke too soon Though some of us are having problems with it whilst others aren't, typical. lol
  11. I am not sure why it is there, but if it is an issue regarding the game monitor, or people saying they aren't getting the slots they pay for you can actually change the setting in the config to allow for an extra slot. Its labelled: Additional Slots
  12. Basically it's in the command line. You neeed to change.. +set dedicated 2 +set fs_savepath %gameserverroot% +set net_ip "%serverip%" +set net_port "%serverport%" +set sv_maxclients "%slots%" +exec server.cfg to +set dedicated 2 +set fs_savepath %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% +set net_ip "%serverip%" +set net_port "%serverport%" +set sv_maxclients "%slots%" +exec server.cfg its basically the %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% thats important.
  13. That's correct, you basically pay a monthly subscription fee for the rights to play it online (well over a stream). Although I'm not sure how that's the same as MS or Sony...... Sony especially, as they don't even charge for playing games online!
  14. What of the 2 servers per ip, and only on the primary Ip issue? Has anyone found a workaround or managed to get the servers listed outside of this?
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