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  1. Hi,


    in regards of your msg, add me on MSN with ozan.omer@infinytechgroup.com ... i could refer you to someone.

  2. Hi dimitrifrom31,


    could you contact me on MSN when you have a chance please.





  3. By the way, it is possible to show a xxxFPS server ... our CSS expert lost is time to check something out and here what he made. He told me how he did it but i was not realy listening but doing a 1 000 000 000 000FPS is possible on any windows server but in reality its not more than 512FPS for Win2003 and 1000FPS on Win2008 that as the HPET & ect. P.S.: The SS are from a Windows Server running on Win2008 with HPET ... not Linux.
  4. bmoore0206, Here are the step to have 1000FPS Counter-Strike : Source server on Windows 2008 ; 1) Get yourself a MotherBoard compatible with HPET. - High Precision Event Timer (HPET, formerly known as Multimedia Timer) 2) Make sure your BIOS as an option that allow you to enable it. 3) Install Source PingBooster (http://www.ariangaming.com/spb.rar) and make sure it run 24/7/. If you cannot have the line 1 & 2, forget your 1000FPS on Windows Server 2008. Like we all say, dont search on how to make it on Windows Server 2003 ... it does not work unless someone make it possible ... and i would pay to see that. As for the command line, here are mine ; Default Command Line: -game cstrike -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg -nobots -tickrate 100 +fps_max 0 +tv_maxrate 6500 +tv_snapshotrate 10 +tv_maxclients 0 +tv_enable 0 +tv_autorecord 0 +tv_delay 90 +map de_dust2 Private Command Line: -game cstrike -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg -nobots -tickrate 100 +fps_max 0 +tv_maxrate 6500 +tv_snapshotrate 10 +tv_maxclients 0 +tv_enable 0 +tv_autorecord 0 +tv_delay 90 +map de_dust2 +sv_password "%privatepassword%" Custom Command Line: -game cstrike -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg -nobots -tickrate 100 +fps_max 0 +tv_maxrate 6500 +tv_snapshotrate 10 +tv_maxclients 0 +tv_enable 0 +tv_autorecord 0 +tv_delay 90 +map de_dust2 %usercmdline% Custom Private Command Line: -game cstrike -console +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +exec server.cfg -nobots -tickrate 100 +fps_max 0 +tv_maxrate 6500 +tv_snapshotrate 10 +tv_maxclients 0 +tv_enable 0 +tv_autorecord 0 +tv_delay 90 +map de_dust2 +sv_password "%privatepassword%" %usercmdline% P.S.: Steven Crothers, i would reply this on the "low performance" for 1000FPS on Windows Server : It is half true unless you have "+fps_max 0" in the command line because before we change that, the server was going from 600FPs to 999FPS ... always going up and down and since we change the command line to "+fps_max 0" ... we have stable 1000FPS with -20 max for any public or private.
  5. hey hey ... how are you? Does you SOF2 server still works? :-P

  6. Is it Counter-Strike or Counter-Strike : Source? For Counter-Strike : Source, you need to have HPET enable in the bios + Source PingBooster so if you dont have this, you cannot do 1000FPS. That is for Windows Server 2008 only ... forget with Win2003.
  7. Someone just give me a link about FarCry 2 ... i dont know if it would help someone ; ***************************************************** http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=743794 ***************************************************** FarCry 2 Dedicated Server Commandline For those who haven't managed to catch the very sparse support from Ubisoft, here is how to run a dedicated server for Far Cry 2 without the graphical interface : Quote: How to launch a dedicated server through command line: 1. Open the FC2 server launcher 2. Modify the settings as desired through the UI 3. Once done, select "File, Save config as", and you will get an xml file 4. Now you can start the server using that config file by executing: FC2ServerLauncher.exe -start=[configfile] where [configfile] is the absolute path to where the file is saved in step #3. Example: D:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Far Cry 2\bin>FC2ServerLauncher.exe -start=d:\config.xml
  8. lolllllll im curious to see that Bigfoot to :-P
  9. Honnestly, what is the point of having this game in your list with there stupid way of making business. They dont even try to help GSP. They only built there own dedicated server for there test and leave us the great job of having to create it and repair it. We could say anything on EA but for the BF frachise, they did come up with a nice dedicated setup. For Activision, its not a pain to deal with them but UbiSoft, what a waste of tallent here in Montréal. Im going to wait for the CD/DVD game and the patch that they dont have any choice to make. P.S.: The team of COD5 must be happy :-P
  10. Like one guy said : "Good job UBI, I give you the finger!"
  11. I dont understand. I was told from the TCadmin support that BF1942/BFVientnam was not supported!?!
  12. Hi, could someone explain me the installation for GTA-SA with SA-MP. I have installed the game in the server and i have the server side but i dont know how to make the link betwen the 2 and make it work with TCadmin.
  13. Hi, i would like to create a Battlefield 1942 server and im not able to create it. The GamePanel does its process of creation but does not create it at the send. I upload the configuration file in Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Games There is one thing that could be it but im not sure. Its the ID name. All the TCadmin configuration files are TC0000000000000 and the Battlefield 1942 is only BF1942. Could it be the problem? Here is a copy of my configuration file Thank you in advance Ozan Omer **************************************************** <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <GAME> <GAMEID>BF1942</GAMEID> <NAME>Battlefield 1942</NAME> <SHORTNAME>BF1942</SHORTNAME> <DEFAULTPORT>14567</DEFAULTPORT> <DEFAULTQUERYPORT>23000</DEFAULTQUERYPORT> <DEFAULTRCONPORT>4711</DEFAULTRCONPORT> <FILESFOLDER>BF1942</FILESFOLDER> <RELATIVEEXECUTABLE>BFServerManager.exe</RELATIVEEXECUTABLE> <RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY>/</RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY> <RELATIVEUSERFILES>/</RELATIVEUSERFILES> <INSTALLEDPATCH /> <FILEMAN_ACCESS>True</FILEMAN_ACCESS> <FTP_ACCESS>True</FTP_ACCESS> <IS_VOICE_SERVER>False</IS_VOICE_SERVER> <DEFAULTCMDLINE>-port %customport1% -start</DEFAULTCMDLINE> <DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE /> <PRIVATECMDLINE>-start</PRIVATECMDLINE> <PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE /> <PBFOLDER>/pb</PBFOLDER> <PBURL>http://evenbalance.com/downloads/bf1942/pbsvnew.dll</PBURL> <PBENABLEADMINS>True</PBENABLEADMINS> <PBENABLEUSERS>False</PBENABLEUSERS> <STEAMGAMETYPE /> <STEAMENABLEADMINS>False</STEAMENABLEADMINS> <STEAMENABLEUSERS>False</STEAMENABLEUSERS> <BRANDEDTEXT /> <BRANDEDTEXTATEND>False</BRANDEDTEXTATEND> <BRANDEDTEXTSPACE>False</BRANDEDTEXTSPACE> <BRANDEDREGEX /> <ALLOWUSERINSTALL>False</ALLOWUSERINSTALL> <PORTINCREMENT>1</PORTINCREMENT> <GAMEPORTEXPRESSION /> <QUERYPORTEXPRESSION /> <RCONPORTEXPRESSION /> <STOPDELAY>3</STOPDELAY> <CUSTOMPORT1>14667</CUSTOMPORT1> <CUSTOMPORT2>0</CUSTOMPORT2> <CUSTOMPORT3>0</CUSTOMPORT3> <CUSTOMPORT4>0</CUSTOMPORT4> <CUSTOMPORT5>0</CUSTOMPORT5> <CUSTOMPORT1EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT2EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT3EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT4EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT5EXPRESSION /> <OS>1</OS> <ONLYDEFAULTPORT>True</ONLYDEFAULTPORT> <INTERACTDESKTOP>False</INTERACTDESKTOP> <CMDBUILDERUSERACCESS>False</CMDBUILDERUSERACCESS> <INSTALLSCRIPT /> <UNINSTALLSCRIPT /> <NEWEMAILSUBJECT>Creation de votre serveur de jeu %gameshortname% | ArianGaming.com</NEWEMAILSUBJECT> <NEWEMAILBODY>Bonjour %username%, Nous avons installe le Battlefield 1942 Server Manager (BFSM) 2.0 Beta 4g. Voici vos informations d'administration: IP Serveur: %serverip% Port: %customport1% Utilisateur: %User% Mot de passe: %Password% Cordialement L'equipe de ArianGaming </NEWEMAILBODY> <SHOWINCREATELIST>True</SHOWINCREATELIST> <SHOWCONFIGSICON>True</SHOWCONFIGSICON> <FORCE_FTP_PATH /> <START_CPU_0>False</START_CPU_0> <LOG_EXTENSIONS /> <ENABLE_LOG_VIEWER>False</ENABLE_LOG_VIEWER> <DISABLE_REINSTALL>False</DISABLE_REINSTALL> <COMPATIBILITY>29</COMPATIBILITY> <DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <CONFIGFILE> <GAMEID>11</GAMEID> <CONTENTS>game.serverName "%hostname%" game.serverIP %serverip% game.serverPort %serverport% game.serverMaxPlayers %slots% game.serverInternet 1 game.serverBandwidthChokeLimit 0 game.serverMaxAllowedConnectionType CTLanT1 manager.consolePort %primary_rconport% game.serverCoopCPU 100 game.serverContentCheck 1 manager.bindAllIntefaces 0 game.gameSpyPort 23000 game.gameSpyLANPort 22000 game.ASEPort 14690 game.serverPassword "%privatepassword%" game.serverNumberOfRounds 3 game.serverGameTime 0 game.serverScoreLimit 0 game.serverTicketRatio 100 game.objectiveAttackerTicketsMod 100 game.serverCoopAISkill 50 game.serverAlliedTeamRatio 1 game.serverAxisTeamRatio 1 game.serverSpawnTime 15 game.serverGameStartDelay 20 manager.gravity 0 physics.gravity -4 admin.timeBeforeRestartMap 10 game.serverSpawnDelay 5 game.serverSoldierFriendlyFire 100 game.serverSoldierFriendlyFireOnSplash 100 game.serverVehicleFriendlyFire 100 game.serverVehicleFriendlyFireOnSplash 100 game.serverKickback 0.00 game.serverKickbackOnSplash 0.00 game.serverTKPunishMode 0 admin.banPlayerOnTKKick 0 admin.nrOfTKToKick 3 admin.spawnDelayPenaltyForTK 0.0 manager.autoKickScore 0 manager.autoKickScoreValue -6 manager.autoBan 0 manager.autoBanValue 3 game.serverPunkBuster 0 manager.banInBFandPB 0 admin.enableKickPlayerVote 1 admin.enableMapVote 1 admin.enableKickTeamPlayerVote 1 game.serverAutoBalanceTeams 0 manager.smartBalance 0 manager.smartBalanceValue 3 admin.votingTime 60 admin.voteMapMajority 0.60 admin.voteKickPlayerMajority 0.60 admin.voteKickTeamPlayerMajority 0.60 game.serverExternalViews 1 game.serverAllowNoseCam 1 game.serverFreeCamera 0 game.serverHitIndication 1 game.serverDeathCameraType 0 game.serverCrossHairCenterpoint 1 game.serverNameTagDistance 100 game.serverNameTagDistanceScope 300 manager.enableRemoteConsole 1 manager.consoleUsername "UserName" manager.enableRemoteAdmin 0 manager.consolePassword "Password" manager.monitorTimerPeriod 30 manager.autoKickPing 0 manager.autoKickPingValue 500 manager.autoKickWord 0 manager.autoAnnounce 0 manager.autoAnnouncePeriod 60 game.serverEventLogging 0 game.serverNumReservedSlots 0 game.serverReservedPassword "" game.serverEventLogCompression 0 manager.statCollection 0 manager.statFilePath "statistics.csv" manager.highPingWarnings 0 manager.autoKickWordWarnings 3 </CONTENTS> <DESCRIPTION>Server congifuration file</DESCRIPTION> <DISPLAYNAME>ServerManager.con</DISPLAYNAME> <RELATIVEPATH>/Mods/BF1942/Settings/ServerManager.con</RELATIVEPATH> <EDITOR_CONTENTS /> <ALLOWEDITWHENFMDISABLED>True</ALLOWEDITWHENFMDISABLED> </CONFIGFILE> <CONFIGFILE> <GAMEID>11</GAMEID> <CONTENTS>game.addLevel aberdeen GPM_CQ bf1942 game.addLevel battleaxe GPM_CQ bf1942 game.setCurrentLevel aberdeen GPM_CQ bf1942 </CONTENTS> <DESCRIPTION>Server maplist</DESCRIPTION> <DISPLAYNAME>ServerMaplist.con</DISPLAYNAME> <RELATIVEPATH>/Mods/BF1942/Settings/ServerMaplist.con</RELATIVEPATH> <EDITOR_CONTENTS /> <ALLOWEDITWHENFMDISABLED>False</ALLOWEDITWHENFMDISABLED> </CONFIGFILE> </DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <RCONCOMMANDS /> </GAME> ****************************************************
  14. Hi all, im new in this forum so maybe some of you will say im very fast to ask this question. Im searching some "SERVER SETUP & FILES + CONFIGURATION FILE" for few game like; RavenShield RBS:Vegas MOH:Spearhead MOH:Allied Assault and few more ... Some of you will say to me "you have to buy the game" ... i know. But some people like me(maybe you) have some server files from game that we did not purchase. I would like to trade some "SERVER SETUP & FILES + CONFIGURATION FILE" with anyone of you that is serious. I could give you : COD CODUO COD2 COD4 (v1.3 and v1.4) UT03 UT04 BF2142 demo server BF2 demo server BF2142 UnRanked (v1.40) BF1942 (v1.61) BF2 UnRanked (v1.41) BF VietNam (v1.2) and many more game ... To contact me, just add my MSN and/or my xFire or just email me. Regard's Ozan Omer agentpr24@hotmail.com (MS/Email) agentpr24 (xfire)
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