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  1. What exactly you want to know?, lets give a change to Rich and see how he is helpfull
  2. Lets see how Rich is good!
  3. Didn't see anykind of help from him, good thing i had some time to figure it out....
  4. Well that was easy to figure out. I can host 80 now lol. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Do you use something else then tcadmin to run it?
  6. Hi, Seems like Simbin brought issue inserted in the Version 1.5 into this GTR 2. First off they had removed the +auto command line, so it wasn't possible to lunch the gtr2dedicated, without having to go throught the GUI. Now with the new patch they've included the +auto command line. But haven't fix the issue where the server would always revert back to a maximum of 16 players no mather what is in the config files. And when i tested GTR2 original release the 100% cpu issue was still there. Thats all amazing when you consider that none of those issue exists with GTlegends. I see Defonservers offering GTR2, did they know something about command lines that we don't know?
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