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  1. thank you, so I just download this and the UT3 Config will work?
  2. I cannot get this to work, The Name of the server is displayed as the logon name I am using and when you try and join it says joining for a long while then stops. I am using the Latest config posted in this thread. And what is the C++ Runtime?
  3. ok awesome, I will keep a lookout for updates
  4. I am not able to email you through the forum link, and what are you referring to by the TCAdmin config? is there a single TCAdmin config file?
  5. Thank you, I changed both of the directories to / and I still cannot see any active players Also, I can rent out Gmod servers because I don't rent to too many clients and I keep them pretty close. If I see a server is using too many system resources I look into it
  6. Thank you again, sorry for the double post Edit: I changed the server.cfg directory to orangebox/garrysmod/cfg/server.cfg and it stopped working, the cfg worked before, the directories seem to be in the correct place, just the players aren't displayed.
  7. I recently purchased TCAdmin and had a client rent a gmod server, I downloaded the Gmod 10 config I found in this forum. It worked at first but then there was a big garrysmod update and the game directory changed. I edited the config to work with this and it does. However, now when you click on "Server Status and Administration" it will not show the players on the server, I can enter in the "status" command and it will show the players in a return window. How could I fix this to show the players on the server? I have included a copy of the config I am using, thank you. Garry's Mod 10.txt
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