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Everything posted by savino

  1. so you don't get "No Steam Master Servers found."?
  2. No is start_map_rotate.... I thnk that steam is having big problem
  3. Again "insufficient upstream bandwidth"... Completely random.
  4. It seems completely random. I didn't change anything and now it works, but I get this: Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server. No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.
  5. I was getting this error too, now I'm not getting this Spawning map: mp_plaza2, gametype tdef Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27015, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version Steam Game Server initialization failed. Unable to continue. Check installation and verify port settings
  6. I have found this but they don't attach the files http://sledgehammergames.com/blog/category/modern-warfare-3
  7. Hello, we really need that function, are there anyone else who need that?
  8. Can you send me the conf? rent@gamehosting.it
  9. Thank you. Of course I read the first post, and I didn't find the answer.
  10. thank you for your useless answer. Someone can answer me, please?
  11. Hello, why I can get only 4 slot?
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