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  1. ok its there in gamefiles. I installed it on the actual server installed fine [wont run on desktop obviously].Now i guess i just tell TC all the details . Curious about command line and Default Port: Default Query Port: Default RCON Port: ????? Any ideas ECF?
  2. Yeah no problems got all the right gear here except will TCA pick it up at all?Do i add it like a normal game? The only reason i ask is that with FPS[which is all we run] no problems at all but i couldnt remember seeing a dedicated part to the game,anyway thanks for that ill sort it. Cheers ECF
  3. Hey all Great work guys on both the support and the wonderful product.Im after any files i need to get Rise of Nations going. Thank you in advance.
  4. Requesting the Rise of Nations game/config files please.
  5. hmmmm........well its a supported game im just wondering how to get it going...fair question i thought.
  6. Hey guys could you send the AoE2 age of kinds files please thank you
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