I have a issue where it is one time playing co-op on example l4d_hospital04_interior well after reaching the safe house it loads the next level as a Vs mode an you can't continue to the next level. ?? Beat my brains out. So i edited the maplist, gameinfo, missioncycle & mapcycle text files as well as the maps that have Vs by deleting the extra " _vs " an edited the CMD ( removed the vs ) Also edited the map lint in the configuration file. Then i was able to play the whole game as co-op mode with others, However goldrush you are right if there in the lobby an the leader changes it to Vs mode well then it will not load may just crash....
Humm i haven't tried that my self im going to do that and see what happens. Ill be back with an answer. I guess to my self and to some of your post but if im right by doing this you can give the option of selling co-op and Vs mode servers for left 4 dead??? Be back in 20.
Ok i didst get a chance to see what would happen but however i was playing airport_greenhouse an made it to the safe room then it loaded hospital_apartments???
It should have been airport_offices. any idea whats going on here?