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Everything posted by DUAL-CORE

  1. Oh ok, and once they do that the server will run and show up in tcadmin?
  2. so in order to run the server I need the clients gamespy username and password?
  3. that login and password command is for my ut3 login? or. . .
  4. How would I go about doing that? Thanks.
  5. that's what it is set at already. And still tcadmin does not show it as running with JasonF's config
  6. Hello, I uploaded Gorans UT3 file, with the latest UT3 server patch, but tcadmin still recognizes it is down. Any help?
  7. Hello, anyone have a full config for this game? Thanks
  8. If you read the EULA of most games, you can run multiple servers, you just cant redistribute the game.
  9. didnt think so. again we all wouldent advise to run cracked servers, but hey its YOUR server, go for it.
  10. not saying its not wrong, but is it even against TCA policy to run cracked servers?
  11. anyone have a full game config for l4d yet?
  12. nvm, i have them. if anyone needs them, let me know.
  13. Hey, can someone give me a working config for zombie panic source and synergy please.
  14. yes, i tried searching for these configs but couldent find any. i need cs, css, dod, dods and half life game scripts if possible please. thanks
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