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  1. Jason do you have your tcadmin automatically setup to install files from the modernbill? and i will try another reinstall
  2. i used the hldsupdatetool, never really thought of using the steam client for game server configs. would seem strange to have to download the steam client and get the games from their instead of using the update tool
  3. Johnny do you have skype by any chance, maybe we can share some information that would benefit each other?
  4. i patched them up fine, not sure if i have to alter anything in the configs for TCAdmin. i had Team Fortress 2 working fine until i updated the game.
  5. it seems like since the update with steam i cannot get my Team Fortress 2 to work. it says that it is started on the interface but the server is not online. i tried looking in the logs but don't seem to see the issue. It is the same problem with Garrysmod. did steam do something since its update to change the interface?
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