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  1. why you need files when you can download the dedicated server here http://www.epicgames.com/download/UT3_Dedicated_Server_Windows.RAR
  2. Ok who wants to write up a config for this one http://utforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=578745 Didnt see any options in there for setting the ip so I may try messing around using the old style ip setting
  3. If i remember correctly the variable -locknetsettings on the bs2cc.exe command line locks the player slots
  4. I dont mean to sound negative but I find it kinda counterproductive to make it a whole new game type its much easier to add it into the mods section and make additional variables available in the command line It worked fine for me
  5. If your server setup is installed to d:\bf2 extract the manager to d:\bf2\bf2cc then you delete /mods/bf2/settings/serversettings.con /admin/default.py /mods/bf2/settings/maplist.con /admin/default.cfg Make sure you dont launch the server manager inside your installation directory or theres more files your gonna have to delete everytime you install one
  6. Ok now make you do the following with your server install Put bf2cc into bf2cc folder "DO NOT LAUNCH" delete the files you see in the config file section Your ready to do installs. Manager must be config'ed initially manually before starting Start will launch manager and autostart server Stop will kill manager and server BF2.txt
  7. If you need one that will work with the bf2cc manager let me know ill post it
  8. did you download from the link i provided the game dedicated server includes the managers server and remote Also look at my config i have query port set and compatitbility set to battlefront 1 and the server status funtion works
  9. Personally I set up Teamspeak as a GameServer and assign it to Admin Then I set the server.ini in the config file section settings so If i need to go in and change anything or restart the server I can I keep a default installation in the gameserver files folder on the master ftp
  10. Ok this config works with the manager config perfectly the install includes the server manager and remote with it I Tried getting it to set the server settings to work with autosetups but It wont work the manager overides the file So youll need to configure the manager for the client beforehand By the way for game compatibility battlefront I works fine This setup will allow the start/stop to restart the server and manager I think i got all the files in the config section although editing some of them is still overwritten by the manager But I put them there so Clients can at least view them I havent messed with the PS2 version yet Kevlar was telling me the manager will work with ps2 version but the actual server executable is different and the ps2 version doesnt include the manager so Ill get with him and see whats up with that He said about a week for the manager to be available on the website so Im sure there may be a few additions SWBF2.txt
  11. ps of course you need to configure the manager first before trying these options lol
  12. Ok I was talking to kevlar from black bag ops and his manager software is the same as before swbf2sm.exe -start -kill This will start the manager and and autokill it when manager is killed. Although he says hes not sure if it will work correctly becasue manager need to be a clean kill so if anyone wants to try it out the dedicated server is already up for download here this manager will work for the pc and ps2 version if you guys want to host both the client version wont be available till appx next week sometime from what he told me so if anyone wants to try out setting up a config and posting it go ahead Im gonna give a whirl in a little bit but the servermanager is included with the download of the dedicated server
  13. I know I'm a few days early hehe But hey This game is gonna support Battlefrontâ„¢ 2 Server Manager will be available at http://www.blackbagops.com It should use the same type config as the Battlefield 1942 and BatlleField Vietnam Managers So I Thought Id post early
  14. This Config is for Tactical Ops 3.5 With Tost Hope it Helps TacOps.txt
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