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  1. I'm not using WHMCS any more, although I do not recall seeing them when I was. Might have a looksie though...
  2. Hi there, I'm sure somewhere along the lines I saw the possibility of integrating TCAdmin, I can't remember where, but im sure I saw an API and info somewhere. I'm simply trying to work on a way for us to have simple on, restart and off buttons without the client's needing to log into TCAdmin. From the coding point of view i shouldn't have a problem. But I cant find any info on an API or any way to do it, and I could swear I saw a way about 6 month's ago. If anyone could point me in the right direction, that'd be great. Cheers
  3. I've recently setup a new remote server. (I had been just running off the one master server) and I seem unable to get FTP to work. As far as I can tell I've set it up correctly. The server creates new game servers and they run an issue. but I am unable to FTP to the server. I've added an extra exception in the windows firewall. but nothing seems to let me in. It's not getting to the point where it even checks the username etc. It just can't reach the server. Is there anything that would stand out as something I might not have done? cheers
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