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  1. Roger that. I thought the dodsbeta config was the one i needed since the move to orangebox engine. I will try that now and let you know how it goes lol. Thanks buddy **edit** RESULT! Thanks for that stud, much appreciated
  2. thanks for the help guys **edit** still having problems with this config. The service install fine and TCAdmin says the game is running, but when i come to look for it in HLSW it says it is down. I have looked in the user files directory and have spotted what may be the cause, but i dont know how to fix it. Short version of it is all the game files get installed to this directory: C:\UserFiles\username\GameServers\TC4454.......\orangebox\dod but the default server.cfg file that TCAdmin adds gets intsalled to C:\UserFiles\username\GameServers\TC4454.......\orangebox\dodsbeta\cfg\ now as this file is always being installed here, I wonder if TCAdmin is trying to start the game inside the dodsbeta folder instead of the dods folder (where all the actual game files and folders are located) I havent submitted a support ticket as it is a beta config and wondered whether they would tell me to come here and find out first. I can provide screenshots if required. Any Help would be greatly welcome Chris Webster http://www.ragecritters.com
  3. Which compatibility mode does the need to run on now its orange box engine? RC
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