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  1. Hi, after restarting my Windows Server 2008 machine, I found the TCAdminMonitor.config file is blank and there is the old file TCAdminMonitor.config.bak which it generated which is also blank. The monitor is failing to start because of this with a service start error. Any ideas how to fix this? Thank you
  2. Could we possily get an integrated backup solution in TCAdmin2 LFA, I think alot of customers could utilize this feature, especially if took advantage of your new scheduled events system? Chuteuk.
  3. Hi there, Intermittently this error will appear in the web console (this is a Source server with the RCon client enabled) and the console will fail to work properly. Usually this occurs after the console has been open for at least an hour, but rarely it happens after a short amount of time. Screenshot: Any ideas?
  4. Hi there, I have been using TCAdmin2 for over a month now and I am very pleased, I have only just needed to reboot my Windows Server 2008 machine today to complete some updates. After rebooting (and another reboot just to make sure) I found in the C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor folder two files, one for each TCAdmin2 critical service; TCAdminMonitor.lock and TCAdminServiceManager.lock. These files had generated themselves and we're stopping the services from starting causing a start error. After deleting those files, TCAdmin2 is now working correctly again, how can I stop this from happening? Thanks!
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