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goldrush's Achievements

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  1. what i think is that it gets the maps of valve or something i just made 2 servers and when put 1 in line as campaign and one versus the one i named versus is always full and campaign stays empty all the time and i didnt alterd the configs or maplist in any way
  2. there is only 4 player campaign and 8 player co-op its verry hard to put server is versus mode only i've tried heaps of things so far but nothing helps even iff you alter the maplist and mapcycle nothing changes cause the player who gets in 1st can do call vote and is the lobby boss so they can change it back to campaign ot change gametype whenever they like only thing you can do is put the cmd line in for a like l4d_vs_farm01_hilltop when the server starts it always starts in versus and vica versa
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