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  1. Has anyone else been having issues getting the servers to show up in the master list for SAMP? More specifically has anyone got their server's on the list with a 64 bit version of 2003.
  2. Yes I understand that, I was just looking for a tca cfg. I found a thread from a while back. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=659 in case anyone else is looking for it in the future.
  3. HLTV I got, just looking for source tv, VB removes TV from the search because it's too common and in turn I end up with 208 irrelevant results which I'd rather not look through heh.
  4. I'm looking for both Source TV and HLTV cfgs, if anyone has some they're willing to share it would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. I been messing with this fortress forever for like 2 weeks now. I can't get it to run properly. Can someone post their config please?
  6. Well, atleast there's a little good news....good to hear.
  7. I'm really in a panic now...check this out, has anyone played Frontlines yet? I was looking at the file structure and it appears to be the unreal 3 engine. Can anyone confirm this? Then I went to epic games and saw there list of 50 games that have licensed the UT3 engine....are we going to be dealing with this same problem for the next few years lol...I hope not.
  8. Here's a WIKI I found for Unreal 3, but seems like a lost cause at this point... http://wiki.unrealadmin.org/FAQ:UT3
  9. I had a hell of a time trying to get sof2 going, one thing you might want to try is "+map mp_kam3" in the command line. Most of the time it wouldn't run if a map wasn't set. Also the roc config isn't in the default folder, when I setup my OSP server my command line ended up like this... "+set fs_game osp +exec configs/osp_ctf_pub.cfg +exec configs/osp_extracommands.cfg +sv_mapcycle configs/tdm.mapcycle +map mp_kam3 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +set sv_pure 1" I played the game for about 4 years, but now that it's been dead a few years I'm pretty rusty with the correct way to set it up. My current way isn't as good as I used to setup my servers, but I got it working with OSP.
  10. MOHAA was tight! A classic, lol. And what really bothers me if the whole server delivery system period. Why can't all game server designers be like Steam/Valve. I love how its a simple command line and it downloads/updates all your shit. Everything should be like this.
  11. Fortress Forever is not Team Fortress 2?... 2 different games... ?
  12. Where has this been posted? I can't find it searching for "Fortress Forever".....
  13. So the config file ECF posted is the one to use? You guys keep correcting each other and it is getting confusing. Which one works and the final 100% one. thanx!
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