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  1. Found this on the forums! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?> <GAME> <GAMEID>TC4447731753756</GAMEID> <NAME>Half Life TV</NAME> <SHORTNAME>HLTV</SHORTNAME> <DEFAULTPORT>27020</DEFAULTPORT> <DEFAULTQUERYPORT>27020</DEFAULTQUERYPORT> <DEFAULTRCONPORT>27020</DEFAULTRCONPORT> <FILESFOLDER /> <RELATIVEEXECUTABLE>hltv.exe</RELATIVEEXECUTABLE> <RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY>/</RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY> <RELATIVEUSERFILES>/</RELATIVEUSERFILES> <INSTALLEDPATCH /> <FILEMAN_ACCESS>False</FILEMAN_ACCESS> <FTP_ACCESS>True</FTP_ACCESS> <IS_VOICE_SERVER>False</IS_VOICE_SERVER> <DEFAULTCMDLINE>-ip %serverip% -port %serverport%</DEFAULTCMDLINE> <DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE /> <PRIVATECMDLINE>-ip %serverip% -port %serverport%</PRIVATECMDLINE> <PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE /> <PBFOLDER /> <PBURL /> <PBENABLEADMINS>False</PBENABLEADMINS> <PBENABLEUSERS>False</PBENABLEUSERS> <PBENABLEADMINS>False</PBENABLEADMINS> <PBDELETEADMINS>False</PBDELETEADMINS> <PBDELETEUSERS>False</PBDELETEUSERS> <PBLOGS /> <PBSS /> <STEAMGAMETYPE /> <STEAMENABLEADMINS>False</STEAMENABLEADMINS> <STEAMENABLEUSERS>False</STEAMENABLEUSERS> <BRANDEDTEXT /> <BRANDEDTEXTATEND>False</BRANDEDTEXTATEND> <BRANDEDTEXTSPACE>False</BRANDEDTEXTSPACE> <BRANDEDREGEX /> <ALLOWUSERINSTALL>False</ALLOWUSERINSTALL> <PORTINCREMENT>1</PORTINCREMENT> <GAMEPORTEXPRESSION /> <QUERYPORTEXPRESSION /> <RCONPORTEXPRESSION /> <STOPDELAY>2</STOPDELAY> <CUSTOMPORT1>0</CUSTOMPORT1> <CUSTOMPORT2>0</CUSTOMPORT2> <CUSTOMPORT3>0</CUSTOMPORT3> <CUSTOMPORT4>0</CUSTOMPORT4> <CUSTOMPORT5>0</CUSTOMPORT5> <CUSTOMPORT1EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT2EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT3EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT4EXPRESSION /> <CUSTOMPORT5EXPRESSION /> <OS>1</OS> <ONLYDEFAULTPORT>False</ONLYDEFAULTPORT> <INTERACTDESKTOP>False</INTERACTDESKTOP> <CMDBUILDERUSERACCESS>True</CMDBUILDERUSERACCESS> <INSTALLSCRIPT /> <UNINSTALLSCRIPT /> <NEWEMAILSUBJECT /> <NEWEMAILBODY /> <REINSTALLEMAILBODY /> <REINSTALLEMAILSUBJECT /> <SHOWINCREATELIST>True</SHOWINCREATELIST> <SHOWCONFIGSICON>True</SHOWCONFIGSICON> <FORCE_FTP_PATH /> <START_CPU_0>False</START_CPU_0> <LOG_EXTENSIONS>log,txt</LOG_EXTENSIONS> <ENABLE_LOG_VIEWER>False</ENABLE_LOG_VIEWER> <DISABLE_REINSTALL>False</DISABLE_REINSTALL> <COMPATIBILITY>-1</COMPATIBILITY> <GAME-MONITOR.COM>-1</GAME-MONITOR.COM> <DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <CONFIGFILE> <GAMEID>TC4447731753756</GAMEID> <CONTENTS>// HLTV Proxy configuration file // HLTV proxy runs this file on start up // This file should only be edited if you want to broadcast a game // set HLTV proxy name as shown in score board name "%hostname%" // set HLTV name, how it should appear in game server browsers hostname "%hostname%" //HLTV Slots (DO NOT CHANGE THIS) maxclients %slots% // set offline info text clients will see as reject reason if HLTV isn't broadcasting yet offlinetext "Sorry, game is delayed. Please try again later." // delays broadcasting for 30 seconds (this is standard for league type matches) delay 30.0 // allow 3.5 KByte/sec as client rate. This is good a value // for internet broadcasts. On LAN you may set this value to 10000 maxrate 3500 // log HLTV console in proxy.log // logfile 1 // local chatting for HLTV spectators enabled chatmode 1 // if game server is password protected, enable this line serverpassword "%privatepassword%" // proxy's adim password for rcon, commentator etc. adminpassword "%rconpassword%" // show message for 5 seconds each 60 seconds in center of X axis (-1) and // above help text bar (0.85). Color given as hexadecimal RGBA . loopcmd 1 60 localmsg "You're watching HLTV. Visit www.valvesoftware.com" 5 -1 0.85 FFA000FF // hltv.tga will be shown instead of the default HLTV logo in spectator GUI // bannerfile "hltv.tga" // these commands will be executed on connecting spectator client and may be used // to adjust settings for HLTV (for example voice parameters) signoncommands "voice_scale 2; voice_overdrive 16; volume 0.5; echo Voice adjusted for HLTV" echo hltv.cfg loaded. //Game Server Connection Info - enter the game server ip and port in the following format by adding a new line below the example shown. Then start your HLTV server connect %primary_serverip%:%primary_serverport%</CONTENTS> <DESCRIPTION>HLTV Config File</DESCRIPTION> <DISPLAYNAME>hltv.cfg</DISPLAYNAME> <RELATIVEPATH>hltv.cfg</RELATIVEPATH> <EDITOR_CONTENTS /> <ALLOWEDITWHENFMDISABLED>False</ALLOWEDITWHENFMDISABLED> </CONFIGFILE> </DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <RCONCOMMANDS /> </GAME>
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