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  1. Nice advert lol he is having his own machine why he should rent it from somone sorry Steven I didnt want to be rude but your answer was more advert than helping to guy ,sorry one more time if you get me personal Cheers
  2. We have some funny guys here nice... and those clips are from wich game ? Maybe I dont understand arab very well,sorry which language they talk in the clip? As I said cod releases coming almoste every month one lol,that will tell you enough,my point was from the begining ,dont worry guys soon we will have new release of MW probably with ded servers lol. I dont know why you are so sure Steven that there is no new release do you work at IW maybe lol :-) . btw we will see soon what is going on just give me one good reason why we should trust to you and not to this video and those comments in the video with M249 on the end hehehe :-) Cheers
  3. and what is the trick? Isnt it announce for mw3 ? do you think this is only for console is that what you think its trick? However what ever it is I still think what I wrote above about cod releases. Cheers
  4. Maybe MW 3 will bring better news after they see MW2 is lost without ded. servers..this is really strange and pissed me off ripping of people every 2-3 months releasing new COD ...that say enough what kind of game is that lol..Ea and Dice rullzzz and will give them final shot with BFBC2 once is released I guess this mw3 will try to compete with bfbc2 ,well will see here you go take a look about modern warfare 3: http://www.biertijd.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=16855
  5. When I see all of this I am lucky we didnt payed for honor licence,with so much troubles and customers complains,eating so much memory and staff like that, I think I will think twice before we purchase license for this game and its kind'a not cheap if you ask me annual cost is fine but charging for everi instance commone nah,GL US army Take care all going to have some fun on holidays for 3 weeks without customers complaining how they payed for honor server and they are not runing properly etc etc oh I am so lucky cause my compnay changed in last moment not to take license
  6. Thx Mouth, I give up lol ,tried all what you guys suggested here but still the same,only one player can play,no roles to chose I dont know ,I have downloaded files again , just not going damn Anyway time to have some holidays 3 weeks I gues till I am back AA 3 will run as it should
  7. Hey Mouth,thx for answer,but as I said my server even want start when I put Global in cmd line? Moment I change cmd line to LAN I am able to connect ...but you are right server is not showing in browser,as guy above me sais I heard here and on AA forums only Honor server showing in browser. I even sent mail to AA staff with request to authorize my server because I red somewhere that server need to be authorized, but no answer I guess they are busy with all those troubles. So I have few questions for you if you could answer would be nice or somone else : 1: Do you run Honor server? If not does your server showing in browser? 2: What cmd line you are using? 3: Is it possible you post here you default.ini file or Game.ini whatever? 4: Is roles working on your server? 5: Did you try to connect with more than one person?Are they all able to play in once ,because as I posted above I never had troubles runing server after I use cmd with LAN inside but ony 1 player can play all others just specating I dont know if I missed something hope not maybe this is important I am trying to run this on win web server 2008. Thx in advance m8
  8. Is that for Honor servers,because that one if sais GLOBAL not working for me? If I use LAN than its working,but I have another problem I dont know what is wrong with my config ,cannot have any roles and only one player can play game other once need to spectate I think I will wait till they fix all those bugs and troubles they have looks like this is BETA version damn not offical release:p
  9. I have also one problem,looks like only one player can play all others needs to spectate ? I have changed in default.ini file and game.ini file to spectate=onlyPlayers or if I try specateAll its still the same Even I tried to change spectators set from 2 to 0 but no succes ,can somone help with this looks like I am missing line or this can be related with problems dev team having after release AA3? If somone can help or post any solution for this would be nice Thx:(
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