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  1. err the only way I could think of doing that would be to copy the right tables out of the database, even then you would need a seperate version for mysql/msaccess
  2. Thanks alot very useful, will add it to my db.
  3. I found this on the demo, next time i suggest looking there before posting 100requests <div class="pre"><pre><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <GAME> <GAMEID>11</GAMEID> <NAME>Battlefield 1942</NAME> <SHORTNAME>BF1942</SHORTNAME> <DEFAULTPORT>14567</DEFAULTPORT> <DEFAULTQUERYPORT>14567</DEFAULTQUERYPORT> <DEFAULTRCONPORT>14567</DEFAULTRCONPORT> <FILESFOLDER>BF1942</FILESFOLDER> <RELATIVEEXECUTABLE>BFRemoteManager.exe</RELATIVEEXECUTABLE> <RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY>/</RELATIVEWORKINGDIRECTORY> <RELATIVEUSERFILES>/</RELATIVEUSERFILES> <INSTALLEDPATCH /> <DEFAULTCMDLINE /> <DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE /> <PRIVATECMDLINE /> <PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE /> <COMPATIBILITY>29</COMPATIBILITY> <DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <CONFIGFILE> <GAMEID>11</GAMEID> <CONTENTS>game.serverName "%hostname%" game.serverIP %serverip% manager.bindAllIntefaces 0 game.serverPort %serverport% manager.consolePort 5711 game.serverMaxPlayers %slots% game.setServerWelcomeMessage 0 "" game.setServerWelcomeMessage 1 "" game.setServerWelcomeMessage 2 "" game.setServerWelcomeMessage 3 "" game.setServerWelcomeMessage 4 "" game.serverInternet 1 game.serverBandwidthChokeLimit 1024 game.serverMaxAllowedConnectionType CTCable256Kbps game.serverCoopCPU 1 game.gameSpyPort 23000 game.gameSpyLANPort 22000 game.ASEPort 15690 game.serverPassword "" game.serverNumberOfRounds 1 game.serverGameTime 0 game.serverScoreLimit 0 game.serverTicketRatio 100 game.serverCoopAISkill 50 game.serverAlliedTeamRatio 1 game.serverAxisTeamRatio 1 game.serverSpawnTime 15 admin.spawnWaveTime 5 game.serverGameStartDelay 20 manager.gravity 0 physics.gravity -4 admin.timeBeforeRestartMap 10 game.serverClanTagTeam1 "" game.serverClanTagTeam2 "" game.serverAutoSwitchTeams 1 game.serverTicketsCarryOver 0 game.ServerCPThreatIndicator 1 game.serverSoldierFriendlyFire 100 game.serverSoldierFriendlyFireOnSplash 100 game.serverVehicleFriendlyFire 100 game.serverVehicleFriendlyFireOnSplash 100 game.serverKickback 0.00 game.serverKickbackOnSplash 0.00 game.serverTKPunishMode 0 admin.banPlayerOnTKKick 0 admin.nrOfTKToKick 5 admin.spawnDelayPenaltyForTK 0.0 manager.autoKickScore 1 manager.autoKickScoreValue -7 manager.autoBan 0 manager.autoBanValue 3 game.serverPunkBuster 1 manager.banInBFandPB 0 admin.enableKickPlayerVote 0 admin.enableMapVote 1 admin.enableKickTeamPlayerVote 0 game.serverAutoBalanceTeams 0 manager.smartBalance 1 manager.smartBalanceValue 3 admin.votingTime 60 admin.voteMapMajority 0.60 admin.voteKickPlayerMajority 0.60 admin.voteKickTeamPlayerMajority 0.60 game.serverExternalViews 1 game.serverAllowNoseCam 1 game.serverFreeCamera 0 game.serverHitIndication 1 game.serverDeathCameraType 0 game.serverCrossHairCenterpoint 1 game.serverNameTagDistance 100 game.serverNameTagDistanceScope 300 manager.enableRemoteConsole 1 manager.consoleUsername "%rconpassword%" manager.enableRemoteAdmin 1 manager.consolePassword "%rconpassword%" game.serverNumReservedSlots 0 game.serverReservedPassword "" manager.monitorTimerPeriod 30 manager.autoKickPing 1 manager.autoKickPingValue 150 manager.highPingWarnings 1 manager.autoKickWord 0 manager.autoAnnounce 0 manager.autoAnnouncePeriod 60 game.serverEventLogging 0 game.serverEventLogCompression 0 manager.statCollection 0 manager.statFilePath "statistics.csv" </CONTENTS> <DESCRIPTION /> <DISPLAYNAME>Server Settings File</DISPLAYNAME> <RELATIVEPATH>/mods/bf1942/settings/serversettings.con</RELATIVEPATH> </CONFIGFILE> </DEFAULTCONFIGFILES> <RCONCOMMANDS /> </GAME></pre></div>
  4. Great, I am looking forward to seeing the cfg had a few orders for americas army lately and havent been able to setup the panel for them, they got iguana though, keeping them happy
  5. do you mean americas army? or are you in the wrong post?
  6. Hey guys, looked mon the demo and couldnt find one, we have been looking for the proper command line and cfg for a server anyway, just wondering if anyone has it.
  7. Call of Duty United offensive, easily changed for old cod, CODUO.txt
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