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Everything posted by root64

  1. hello For Trackmania ther is a mistake in the default configuration File this config will prohibit remote Administration Query on the RCON port ( XMLRPC ), so it's necesary to turn this flag to True for remote admin ( RemotCP, Tmweb ,servermania). For the local admin ( Administration In Game), it's necessary to install a php plugin like fast or aseco. Typicaly , fast.php must be in the same directory that TracmaniaNation.exe and the launch file feel something like this For TCAdmin use, i 'm looking for suport for the launch method . I'm tryng to purchase a evaluating license to stude a method to help my Sponsor config his panel but TCAdmin reject my request. So , if someone have a tuto or a valid script launcher for Fast and trackmaniaNationForever , thanks to share it . ps: Sory for may bad english
  2. Did TCAdmin Able to manage Fast plugin for the Game Trackmania Nation Forever ? http://slig.free.fr/fast3.2/
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