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  1. for custom gametypes in halo or halo ce. 1. in the command line set -path "insert relative back to .exe" for instance, if you the command line was: "haloded.exe -ip %variable% -port %variable% -path profiles It would give you something like Root -----haloded.exe -----MAPS -----PROFILES -----strings.dll upon launching the server for the 1st time it will creat the structure under profiles. users or clients put custom game types under "profiles/savegames" on a clients home pc it would be my documents/my games/halo/theircallsign/savegames/ if you do not specify the path even on a dedicated server it uses my documents..... so thats why you must specify it. hope that makes sense...... feel free to pm me with Q's Im new to the admin end but I believe if you create the blank folder directory under where it pulls halo's install files that it should do it automatically. Same with maps. On a side note..... all the ports (server, rcon, query) should be 2302 or whatever port you assign. if you want it running on 2305 the query and rcon etc should be 2305
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