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Everything posted by mikobiko

  1. I now have b3 working without the need of a .bat navigate to your b3 install folder and type: mklink /h python.exe C:\Python25\python.exe Set the exe to python.exe Commandline to b3_run.py -c b3/conf/b3.xml Symlinking baby, its whats for dinner. basically you are telling Windows, make a file called python.exe and point it to C:\Python25\python.exe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_symbolic_link Wish there was a way to do this without having to but, its doesn't waste a task like a .bat does. So you gain a tiny big of resource savings. It may not make a difference if its only a few b3 instances, but as they grow, it will add up. Edit: It looks like 2k3 machine may require a different command. Look into fsutil hardlink create
  2. If you go into the service after its running and set the application to python.exe it will work... you just cant have it work not like that.
  3. As far as I am currently. If they grant access to the variables I will try to automate the database connection automatically. As of now you need to go in manually and setup the database connection. I may think a tad about how I want to handle game mods, not sure what method I want to use yet. This will get you started. Feel free to work as a team =D Big Brother Bot.txt
  4. Ran into a snag needing access to 3 variables that currentversion of tcadmin lacks. Put in a ticket to see if they could add them =] primary service rcon pw service # primary service shortname
  5. Still working on it, we just migrated to 2k8, everything's working so ill begin working on this. Not familiar with mysql command line, nor if the install/uninstall script will interact with it much.
  6. Yea, I was trying to avoid doing that as its a separate process that doesn't need to run but that is the only real method. They responded to ticket and sadly it just wont work even with python in the PATH variable. I will still post mine when I'm done. Hoping to try and go beyond just working. Perhaps combined we can get something awesome working. A few ideas I had was trying to create a install/uninstall scripts to create a MYSQL database for it and everything.
  7. I am working on one, however Im in the process of moving to a new dedicated server as well need to put in a ticket asking them a question due to the way b3 starts.
  8. Goes up and down obviously but yea. 50man server completely full.
  9. Will grab a pic when its full later. Remember. Almost all of the CPU usage is the AI. Not the players in it.
  10. You can disable voting of missions on connect. Heres how I do it on my server. Add to the server.cfg and change map to be what you want: class Missions { class MP7Cav // name for the mission, can be anything { template =co50_Domination_7Cav_v2.Chernarus; cadetMode = 1; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc) }; } Also heres my CPU usage 50man Domination: 14% CPU usage 510 megs of ram
  11. ArmA and ArmA2 both do not support multihome. Increment your ports. I have contacted the developers as well as a few others asking them to include it, but no dice yet.
  12. From when I talked to game servers, they said there is no query port yet for AA3.
  13. I posted up something on the BIS forums, and was told its multi threaded this time around. So I guess that means not crushing a core.
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