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Everything posted by vittu

  1. Guess I was confused cause the walk-thru said to do (I thought it was a bit strange for the need to do that, wish you guys had better documentation): http://tcadmin.com/onlinehelp/admin/directories.htm Since I can't seem to edit that part out of the post, you mind doing it and to the 2 others i post, tia...
  2. So just remove the files that tcadmin creates from the game installs?
  3. Contains Earth's Special Forces configuration named "Half Life - Earth's Special Forces" All the defaults, plus: 3 Default Config Files - mapcycle.txt, motd.txt, server.cfg 3 rcon commands - kick, changelevel, status (See attached file) For mod info or to download the mod go to ("valve" base must be installed): http://www.esforces.com/ EarthsSpecialForces.txt
  4. Contains Natural Selection configuration named "Half Life - Natural Selection" Comaptible with NS 3.1 All the defaults, plus: 3 Default Config Files - mapcycle.txt, motd.txt, server.cfg 3 rcon commands - kick, changelevel, status (See attached file) For mod info or to download the mod go to ("valve" base must be installed): http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns/ NaturalSelection.txt
  5. Contains The Specialists configuration named "Half Life - The Specialists" All the defaults, plus: 3 Default Config Files - mapcycle.txt, motd.txt, server.cfg 3 rcon commands - kick, changelevel, status (See attached file) For mod info or to download the mod go to ("valve" base must be installed): http://www.specialistsmod.net TheSpecialists.txt
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