Well, this could be used to start/stop "Demo" servers. Those servers could be shutdown when CPU/Memory is needed and started back after the usage come down.
But, in the client side, having to start back a server each time that i don't play for some time (scrim servers) would be anoying cause it's rare that all the team have the access to start the server back....
Every time i make a new game service, the ftp ip shown in the service is in ipv4. When the reseller make a new game service, the ip is shown in ipv6. Even if i set the ftp ip to be static...
Language : French [fr-CA]
Date Updated : September 24, 2011
Verified Version :
Revision : 1.0.3
Everything seems to be ok. Suggestions & Corrections are Welcome.
PS : Zip and XML = the same file. fr-CA.xml fr-CA.zip
Using, its working great for me, no errors. How did you update the Master?
These parameters for the commandline were added in .24
When you update your Master Server, sometimes there is an update for your MySQL DB.
To get this MySQL update, you need to update your Master from your TCadmin Control Panel.
I've had something similar when updating from .22 to .23 on one of our remotes.
Stop your TCA2 Services directly in services.msc Then, do a manual update.
As LFA said, this bug was resolved and .24 add the ability to the updater to retry if a file is in use.