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Everything posted by networkreloaded

  1. I tried putting it in the tcadmin "monitor" folder, tried creating the SteamCmd folder in the monitor folder. This is what hapens http://i.imgur.com/VpkEm13.png
  2. If I manually go into RDP and run Steamcmd, it runs in tcadmin and outside of tcadmin. The first game I manually setup through steamcmd was outside of tcadmin, but it would still work inside tcadmin directory. Can't solve the update issue for updating when clicking the steam update button
  3. Yeah I was actually referring to SteamCMD. I had hldsupdatetool in my head
  4. This is for CSGO. hldsupatetool.exe copied from valve folder to TCadmin monitor folder. Steam account user set to "anonymous". Proper game id set to "740" When I open the steam update from tcadmin, it says it cant connect to the host. Hmmmm
  5. @echo off path=%PATH%;%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre7\bin java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar --nojline PAUSE I've also tried renaming the craftbukkit jar file to minecraft_server I've tried some variations for the batch file commands hmm
  6. I set up the zip file with the craftbukkit jar file and the batch file in the TCA mod folder. When I install the mod via tcadmin, the server will no longer start. It will say "Running (pid 0)" Is there another method or something I am missing?
  7. Hi, Is there a configuration file containing codec/bitrate information to increase the voice quality? It currently sounds like a robot.
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