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Everything posted by WYD-KEN

  1. When I use the TCA file posted earlier the server won't load But I can over ride the command line with below and it works? Whats the difference.
  2. http://wiki.homefronter.com/wiki/TCAdmin
  3. You can download it from steam, Make this into a bat file (C:\GameInstalls\HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game "homefront" -dir C:\GameInstalls\homefront)
  4. I believe the wiki for home front is open to everyone now. It should help you out. http://wiki.homefronter.com/wiki/TCAdmin
  5. Add me to your messenger ken(at)wydservers.net
  6. Can you help me out on the DA2 setup? my msn messenger is sobwyd@hotmail.com thank you

  7. I still love the Apocalyptic assimilation - Onion News Network. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/are_violent_video_games
  8. Steven can you provide me your msn addy, I may want to get up with you on Mohawk servers.

    Thank you

  9. Hello,

    If you find the answer to hosting more then 6 players on Killing floor can you please let me know. sobwyd@hotmail.com Thanks!!

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