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  1. Sorry for confusion, after checking tcadmin logs on the client machine it was stopping after few minutes because branding was removed. Mystery solved. It could say in the panel that it's stopped due to branding problem. I think.
  2. tcadmin runs it with following options: -console -game dod -nohltv -condebug +maxplayers 32 +ip x.x.x.x -port 27017 +map "dod_anzio" 66 (i have replaced real IP with x.x.x.x) these options are correct. When i'm running manually with exactly same options - server doesn't stop after few minutes, but when running via tcadmin - it stops after few minutes, still no idea why it is happening. Any clues?
  3. Hello, When i run server via tcadmin web panel it runs for few minutes and then stops, no error message, nothing, just stop. When i run the same server manually it runs fine without stopping. How can i find out why it is stopping when runned via tcadmin ?
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