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  1. Did both and no change. This is the command line tcadmin is using: +set dedicated 2 +set fs_savepath C:\UserFiles\xxxx\GameServers\TC31236645665071431533420\ +set net_ip "xxx.xx.xxx.xx" +set net_port "27965" +set sv_maxclients "16" +exec server.cfg Which results in the dedicated server not being authencated error, however if i copy paste that command line directly from the server console using the same users server files tcadmin is trying to use it starts perfectly and people can connect.
  2. I'm using them, the problem isn't with the server files as it runs fine outside tcadmin.
  3. Using the config file posted earlier, I can't get the game to run from tcadmin. It runs fine using exactly the same command line tcadmin uses on the server, but when tcadmin starts trying to connect to the server says "this dedicated server is not authencated" Using doom 3 compatibility aswell.
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