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  1. sorry but that is very stupid idea. Use windows instead and what is problem?
  2. All of this has been checked. It works on remote but not on master server
  3. Now oficially offering $ to someone who solves issue. contact me on sarakuzza (a.t.) hotmail . com
  4. puppy can you check your mail, I have some issues
  5. Got it up&running, it was some weird issue, TCA was actually not executing exe file. Now it works, just fresh setup of config files, reconfig if ini files and that done it. Thanks very much for help guys. p.s. dimitri, that mod is not working :/
  6. what is other ini file? I have checked Swat4XDedicatedServer.ini
  7. server is working, I connected to it sucessfuly but issue is with tcadmin query. Server do not respond to TCA query request and after x times server gets stopped (although connectable and working) So only thing I have to watch is actually how to stop query for only that game Have idea??
  8. You could insert in cfg "only use server primary IP" marked I tried with proclan config but server still do not respond to query, I do no what can be wrong, really running out of ideas now :/ This is command line: .....GameServers\TC86147533657087428655737\ContentExpansion\System\Swat4XDedicatedServer.exe -server -port=10480
  9. Hi, I am in need of working config for this game, one that you are using Got the files, everything ok from that side but can not get server responding to query, in attachment is config I use. I hope someone will help Swat 4 Stetchkov Syndicate.txt
  10. check murmur.ini file # Maximum bandwidth (in bytes per second) clients are allowed # send speech at. bandwidth=????
  11. very interesting topic, I like layout too since we do not host to much of css servers I didnt have to set up mod installer. Unfortunately links seem to be dead, reupload if not a problem
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