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  1. chris i seen ur website id like to talk to u about it.. if u can get ahold of me at xfire = frmoneyshot or email me at lxlbloodykisseslxl@hotmail.com hit me up. i want this site. nice n clean.. we wil work a deal out im sure.

  2. wel im tryen to find a americas army 2.8.5 tcadmin config. i loked and searched all over these forums. i did find a 2.8.0 wil this work for the 2.8.5 aa patch? pls help
  3. i just dont understand!!! i downloaded the cfg.. it is runing but it makes my dedicated box run with a cmd prompt!!! sure i wasnt suppost to make the bf2cc.exe a secondary application?
  4. and binds to every ip?? no im not a licenses ventrilo provider.. but when i hit vintrilo srv.exe it starts it runs on my dedicated box ip.. and i have like 6 or 7 ips.. but it wont start in tcadmin.. is thi sbecause i donthave a license? i mean even to be able to start it in tc admin on 1 ip be fine just as long as i can use it as low ram and such so it dont run up my processes etc!!!
  5. i downloaded the ventrilo for my dedicated box and when i click on run server it runs in cmd but when i make a ventrilo in tcadmin it dont work or run how do i do this!!! please help i been tryen to set this up for days.. i have like 8 ips i can use and every time i try it fails and dont work.. i have not a clue what to do.. please help!!!
  6. any one have a config file?? please please!!! i bene looking all over cant find one.. please help.. moneyshot
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