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  1. I am getting this error in my TCA Monitor: Ip has been banned for 15 minutes. Too many login attempts. This is when the Wolfenstien Server goes ip MP Heelllpppp! Thanks in Advance?
  2. hmm, thats what im using, but the server seems to start, but no one can see it ?
  3. what does your server.cfg file look like ?
  4. Can you explain that abit more please? I have created a new folder WOLFPC in the GameInstalls and placed the contents of the DATA folder from the ServerLite on the disk. Using the config here i can install a new server and I can start it, but it cannot be found on either GameTracker, or in the game list. Once I moved it into the new WOLFPC from the exsisting WOLFET I cannot see it in the create Game Server list ? Abit confused ? Thanks in advance. Also I am in the UK and I host Game Servers, but they are not charged, only recently started using TCA.
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