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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. sounds cool man anyway thanks for the link worked perfect i have made my custom additions to it like ur ment to works nice now
  2. Hitman


    do u have msn or xfire add me xfire = squawk80 msn = squawk80@hotmail.com
  3. Hitman


    make sure ur copy of halo has had no changes done by u like the init file or anything i got mine working now
  4. soz man i promise i did serch
  5. i need a css config file please if anyone can help me out as i need a few pointers thanks
  6. Hitman


    ECF i added u on msn can u come online please so we can have an instant chat lol
  7. Hitman


    i having about the same problem i can make halo run fine from the desktop but tcadmin has no control over it it cant stop or start it ...
  8. Hitman


    so did i pick the worst game to start with ?
  9. Hitman


    yes the ip wont work for halo you have to only change the ports thats why u see soo many diff and odd ports for halo
  10. Hitman


    was gonna say that noone documents the -path command anywhere its silly
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