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Everything posted by JWAJServers

  1. ehh then where can i find the Command lines to start this bad boy up with diff ports diff ips etc... Jonathan
  2. Thats only Battlefront 2 not 1 i need one for Starwars Battlefront 1 Jon
  3. I need a Config for Starwars Battlefront 1 Also if anyone knows of a Remote Manager for this game let me know id appreciate it very much as for the Config -- I cannot find one - or any Websites listing Command Line parameters either or id make one myself anyone???
  4. I still have not gotten this Fixed Arggg Runs fine from desktop but TCadmin just isnt running her it shows as running and all -- but Server Monitor cannot detect it anyone??
  5. I never changed anything in the config -- i left it Default from the installation of Halo and still not working
  6. Well im outta Ideas ECF u got anymore of em?? something just isnt right here The Master IP on my Server Box is the Same IP i have HALO set to in TCAdmin The Command Line I have set to HALO in TCAdmin is -port %serverport% -exec init.txt When i click preview command line option in tcadmin i get this Generated Command Line: C:/UserFiles/JonHALO/haloded.exe -port 2302 -exec init.txt -- Thats Correct I can use that Command line in a Shortcut to haloded.exe on the desktop of the server -- and it works 100% - shows up in monitor lists and all However - in TCadmin Start/Stop -- Doesnt actually Start the server - it wont show up in the list on monitors - AND if i do a Port Check - 2302 (which is the port i assigned) is listed as Open - and not in use etc.. - BUT if i go in and try to Delete Haloded.exe while its marked as running in TCAdmin -- it says Cannot Delete file while it is being used (so i know TCAdmin Ran haloded.exe - its just not working ) any ideas at all Jonathan
  7. Yea I have even tried diff port numbers too its weird ALSO NOTE: I have made sure my Firewall is not stopping it as well -- on the Server Box so its not a Firewall issue ANY IDEAS!! Jon
  8. Did all that -- The Game starts 100% Fine from Desktop with command line etc.. correct ports and all I am not even using the Config from this Thread anymore - i added my own this time and still TCAdmin isnt working TCAdmin is Launching haloded.exe - BUT its not registering the server at all Server Monitors wont even pick it up the ip in TCAdmin is set to the Master IP of the Server itself as well -- so all should be good its weird im not sure whats wrong -- if i start it with the EXACT Same settings as i have in tcAdmin from the Desktop it works perfectly anymore ideas?? Jon
  9. What??? I asked about Why TCadmin wont Launch the Game Read a Few posts above to see my settings
  10. ok so lol -- how do i make TCAdmin actually launch this thing outta all the games i have installed to this sucker - this is the only one being such a pain
  11. -- Now TCadmin wont even Start Halo here are my settings Halo is assigned to the Main ip of this machine in TCAdmin - and I have my command line like this C:/UserFiles/JonHALO/haloded.exe -port 2301 -exec init.txt this way it sets the Halo port to 2301 but however it Wont Run -- TCAdmin of course says its running but no Server Monitors Can pick it up and they will pick it up when i launch it from a shortcut on the actual Server Box -- so Something in the link between TC and Box is off any help is appreciated Jon
  12. oh ur kidding lol ok no biggie just set diff ports ---- Next Question is Can u assign Max Players - in the Command line something like ehh -port 2301 -maxplayers 12 -exec init.txt does anyone know for sure??
  13. The Config on this Thread doesnt work properly - for some reason whenever i fire up a server for Halo CE with this Config The Server is still defaulting to the Main IP on the Box How do i get Halo to run on a Assigned IP my Command line looks like this right now -ip %serverip% -port %serverport% -exec init.txt i assumed the -ip command would work - but it seems that it doesnt for some reason any ideas?? Jonathan From Ajservers.com
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