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Everything posted by pesultra

  1. nooney can you contact me, i would like you to work on a theme for us at GTX. email me matthewgriffin80@gmail.com
  2. Hi Noony can we talk about you working for me on a project. email matthewgriffin80@gmail.com

  3. Noony, please get in touch. Email lme matthewgriffin80@gmail.com
  4. Hello! I was trying to use the Repeat Section function and was trying to get some examples from default templates. I can make it populate the values i want but can't make it do it all on same line. I need Value1,Value2,Value3, and its giving me Value1 Value2 Value3 Not sure where im failing, if i untick the create value on new line will no add me more fields then on configurator. ATM i have this: (?<ID>[0-9\.]+) its possible to have it to post various values onto the same line ? Any hints on this someone ?
  5. Thank you! What you mean with "there was a new feature" ? There is not anymore ?
  6. One of the latests ARK patches bring the RCON logs, i was planning to push them to Web Console but since on every server start it generates a new log file im stuck with this. I know i can point more than one log on the webconsole but new logs are generated with date / time stamps. Searched all forum if was any tip or trick to go against this but nothing, am im missing something or its impossible ? ServerGame.6428.2016.01.20_22.35.08.log ServerGame.1832.2016.01.20_22.50.00.log etc etc
  7. Need TCA 1 config for ARAM2 operation arrowhead. Pref latest patch etc etc.
  8. yeh will be an update soon surely
  9. still intermittently getting insufficient bandwidth, really annoying, if anyone knows the solution to this then please let me know
  10. yeah surely its a matter of them accepting connections, maybe they havent enabled the service yet
  11. how the hell do you define a port, pulling my hair out!
  12. steam servers seem down now, gonna be a long night
  13. here is a typical config // Modern Warfare 3 Server Configuration ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Server command-line parameters (this section is for documentation only) // Specify server configuration file (this file) //+set sv_config "server.cfg" (default "server.cfg") // Specify server visibility (1 = LAN, 2 = Internet (default) ) //+set dedicated 1 // Open game port (Steam-visible server game port) //+set net_queryPort 27014 // Secure game port //+set net_port 27015 // Steam authentication port //+set net_authPort 8766 // Steam master server (server browser) port //+set net_masterServerPort 27016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Server.cfg-configurable settings // Server host name. This should always be set by the server admin. set sv_hostname "WarServers.NET" // Dedicated server play list (DSPL) specifying server map rotation. // Valid game options are controlled via DSR (dedicated server recipe) specified in the DSPL. seta sv_maprotation "default" // Maximum number of clients that may connect to this server (range 1-18) //set sv_maxclients 8 // Server password. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt. set g_password "" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) ) set sv_privateClients 0 // Password for the private slots on this server. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt. // Users providing this password will have access to all slots. // Users providing an incorrect password will have access to the (sv_maxClients - sv_privateClients) public slots. set sv_privatePassword "" // Remote console password. If set, users will have access to a remote console, allowing server administration from a connected client. set rcon_password "" // Server voice chat configuration ( 0 = "No Chat", 1 = "Free Chat", 2 = "Team Chat" (default) ) set sv_voice 2 // Toggle voting for [player kick/map restart/next map] (0 or 1 (default) ) set g_allowVote 1 // Toggle allowing dead players to chat with living players (0 (default) or 1) set g_deadChat 0 // Time in seconds before the server will kick a user for inactivity (range 0 - 10000) set g_inactivity 90 // Time in seconds for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban) (range 0 - 3600) set sv_kickBanTime 300 // Toggle flood protection (throttling of user commands - should be enabled for non-password-protected Internet servers) (0 or 1 (default)) set sv_floodProtect 1 set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_paris"
  14. im getting a weird error on windows server 2003 though when running it through tcadmin only http://www.gtxgaming.co.uk/error.png
  15. ive got a server running. but not through tcadmin just yet, if someone wants to work together on this they can add me to skype matthewfever, im from a top game server company in the UK
  16. no more 100 tick servers then?? Removed -tickrate command line option and defaulted tick rate to 66 rather than 33. This addressed a number of issues, including: Tick rate affecting how fast doors open / close Tick rate causing players hitting the ground to stutter Tick rate affecting the firing mechanisms of certain guns
  17. Is there a config file for it? it uses the same structure as garrys mod
  18. pesultra


    does any usa companys want to do an affiliate system, as i could sell 100's of these servers in the UK, email me on matthewgriffin80@gmail.com I havent put my business email for obvious reasons. this is my personal email.
  19. pesultra


    lol, well ok, but in the past the files have been made available, bf2 and bf 2142, bf 1942.
  20. pesultra


    still waiting on configs etc for unranked. be nice to get a server live..
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