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Everything posted by pauluk

  1. is this the one you looking for HL2MP.txt
  2. install BHD to your system Mount an iso with daemon tools but you must have gpx drivers installed with a GPX Card and use VNC into your system and i usually use anaconda server manager Have fun with this is its your first time
  3. this link will explain all http://www.tcadmin.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=1202&amp ;start=0&rid=360
  4. pauluk


    no just own a copy of the game files with a valid cd key
  5. pauluk


    o dear me whats the world coming to
  6. Ahh yes the ways of Americas Army & EA still there is a server browser for Novalogic games 3 of the clans we host have it to view there server as you say it will not show up in the master browser over at nova world. but thanks for the replay about trying it with tcadmin
  7. Has anyone been sucessful in making this work with TCAdmin at all or got an import config of any kind that can go on think about having a bash at it i can run the game server as normal cheers Paul
  8. i have nearly finished a doom 3 one ill post it asap so you can import
  9. Just to stop a few Double postes ive attached a TCAdmin config Dump which has Americas Army Call of Duty Call of Duty UO Call of Duty 2 CSSource CS1.6 CS Zero BF1942 BFV Day of Defeat Day of Defeat Source HL2MP Red Orchestra MOHAA MOHSP MOHBT MOHPA OFP SOF2 UT2004 ET Quake 4 hope this is ok tcadmincfgs.zip
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